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pickle factory
pickle factory
Jaime Alvarez jaimephoto.com
フィラデルフィアにあるインダストリアルスタイルのおしゃれな浴室 (壁付け型シンク、置き型浴槽、オープン型シャワー、白い壁、モザイクタイル、モノトーンのタイル、黒い床、オープンシャワー) の写真
Eclectic Patio
Eclectic Patio
ニューオリンズにあるエクレクティックスタイルのおしゃれなテラス・中庭 (タイル敷き、ガゼボ・カバナ) の写真
Napa Wine Country
Napa Wine Country
サンフランシスコにあるラスティックスタイルのおしゃれなキッチン (木材カウンター、緑のキャビネット、ベージュのキッチンカウンター) の写真
Houzz でハイレベルな設計事務所やリノベーション会社を見つけましょう
Moore St House
Moore St House
BD Building DesignBD Building Design
メルボルンにある高級な広いコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれなLDK (白い壁、淡色無垢フローリング、標準型暖炉、漆喰の暖炉まわり、壁掛け型テレビ、ベージュの床、折り上げ天井、パネル壁) の写真
Tennessee Tiny HomesTennessee Tiny Homes
他の地域にあるエクレクティックスタイルのおしゃれなL型キッチン (ドロップインシンク、白いキャビネット、シルバーの調理設備) の写真
Chez moi, Fontagard
Chez moi, Fontagard
Adrien GranchereAdrien Granchere
他の地域にある低価格の中くらいなエクレクティックスタイルのおしゃれなサーキュラー階段 (木の蹴込み板、混合材の手すり) の写真
Wootton Mount, Bournemouth
Wootton Mount, Bournemouth
WN StoreWN Store
ドーセットにある北欧スタイルのおしゃれなキッチン (アンダーカウンターシンク、フラットパネル扉のキャビネット、白いキャビネット、白いキッチンパネル、黒い調理設備、淡色無垢フローリング、アイランドなし、ベージュの床、白いキッチンカウンター) の写真
HydroTap All-in-One Arc in brushed gold
HydroTap All-in-One Arc in brushed gold
Zip Water UKZip Water UK
他の地域にある中くらいなモダンスタイルのおしゃれなダイニングキッチン (白い壁、コンクリートの床、グレーの床) の写真
Lincoln Heights Bungalow
Lincoln Heights Bungalow
Boheme Home StagingBoheme Home Staging
Boheme Home Staging - Lincoln Heights Bungalow
ロサンゼルスにあるエクレクティックスタイルのおしゃれなリビング (白い壁、無垢フローリング、茶色い床) の写真
Converted Carriage House
Converted Carriage House
Sam Balukonis | PhotographerSam Balukonis | Photographer
ボストンにあるトランジショナルスタイルのおしゃれなサンルーム (天窓あり) の写真
Michelle Gage | Interior DesignerMichelle Gage | Interior Designer
photos: Kyle Born
ニューヨークにある低価格のエクレクティックスタイルのおしゃれなリビング (淡色無垢フローリング、標準型暖炉、テレビなし、マルチカラーの壁) の写真
Martin Street
Martin Street
Dylan JamesDylan James
メルボルンにあるトランジショナルスタイルのおしゃれな浴室 (白いキャビネット、白い壁、ベッセル式洗面器、木製洗面台、ブラウンの洗面カウンター) の写真
Bondi Californian Bungalow
Bondi Californian Bungalow
KCreative InteriorsKCreative Interiors
They say the magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave and even better to come back and that is exactly what this family wanted to create when they purchased their Bondi home and prepared to renovate. Like Marilyn Monroe, this 1920’s Californian-style bungalow was born with the bone structure to be a great beauty. From the outset, it was important the design reflect their personal journey as individuals along with celebrating their journey as a family. Using a limited colour palette of white walls and black floors, a minimalist canvas was created to tell their story. Sentimental accents captured from holiday photographs, cherished books, artwork and various pieces collected over the years from their travels added the layers and dimension to the home. Architrave sides in the hallway and cutout reveals were painted in high-gloss black adding contrast and depth to the space. Bathroom renovations followed the black a white theme incorporating black marble with white vein accents and exotic greenery was used throughout the home – both inside and out, adding a lushness reminiscent of time spent in the tropics. Like this family, this home has grown with a 3rd stage now in production - watch this space for more... Martine Payne & Deen Hameed
My Houzz: A Treehouse-Like Dwelling in Los Angeles
My Houzz: A Treehouse-Like Dwelling in Los Angeles
Carolyn ReyesCarolyn Reyes
Photo: Carolyn Reyes © 2015 Houzz
ロサンゼルスにあるエクレクティックスタイルのおしゃれなダイニング (白い壁、無垢フローリング、暖炉なし) の写真
Inset Shaker Nordic White Kitchen
Inset Shaker Nordic White Kitchen
Main Line Kitchen DesignMain Line Kitchen Design
The best kitchen showroom in your area is closer than you think. The four designers there are some of the most experienced award winning kitchen designers in the Delaware Valley. They design in and sell 6 national cabinet lines. And their pricing for cabinetry is slightly less than at home centers in apples to apples comparisons. Where is this kitchen showroom and how come you don’t remember seeing it when it is so close by? It’s in your own home! Main Line Kitchen Design brings all the same samples you select from when you travel to other showrooms to your home. We make design changes on our laptops in 20-20 CAD with you present usually in the very kitchen being renovated. Understanding what designs will look like and how sample kitchen cabinets, doors, and finishes will look in your home is easy when you are standing in the very room being renovated. Design changes can be emailed to you to print out and discuss with friends and family if you choose. Best of all our design time is free since it is incorporated into the very competitive pricing of your cabinetry when you purchase a kitchen from Main Line Kitchen Design. Finally there is a kitchen business model and design team that carries the highest quality cabinetry, is experienced, convenient, and reasonably priced. Call us today and find out why we get the best reviews on the internet or Google us and check. We look forward to working with you. As our company tag line says: “The world of kitchen design is changing…”
My Houzz: Garage Sale Meets Glam in Ohio
My Houzz: Garage Sale Meets Glam in Ohio
Adrienne DeRosaAdrienne DeRosa
Cleverly designed, the pool house doubles as a shed and workshop on one side of the building. Raymond saved the shed doors from a job that he had gotten tearing down an old barn. The doors allow the entire front of the shed to open up, while their rustic finish carries on the aesthetic of the rest of the yard. Jennifer's 1963 International Harvester is another great score, and seemed almost meant to be. Found on Ebay, the truck came to her after deals on other vehicles fell through. "All of a sudden this truck was for sale on Ebay, and it was on my street a few houses away; I couldn't believe it," says Jennifer. Although she was initially outbid for the truck, the day after the auction she was notified that the winner had forfeited the sale, "So I am the lucky owner of 'Harvey'", she says with a smile. Photo: Adrienne DeRosa © 2014 Houzz
Bruce Fox - Lincoln Park Residence
Bruce Fox - Lincoln Park Residence
Bruce FoxBruce Fox
Photo credit: Tony Soluri Architect: Lieberbach & Graham Landscape: Craig Bergmann
シカゴにあるインダストリアルスタイルのおしゃれなサンルーム (暖炉なし、ガラス天井) の写真
Lafayette, LA Outdoor Kitchen
Lafayette, LA Outdoor Kitchen
Backyard BuildersBackyard Builders
Outdoor Kitchen designed and built by Backyard Builders LLC, Lafayette Louisiana, Kyle Braniff,
ニューオリンズにある中くらいなトラディショナルスタイルのおしゃれな裏庭のテラス (レンガ敷き、張り出し屋根) の写真
Seacoast rustic modern kitchen
Seacoast rustic modern kitchen
Patty Kennedy Interiors, LLCPatty Kennedy Interiors, LLC
Rob Karosis Photography
ボストンにあるコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれなキッチン (フラットパネル扉のキャビネット、白いキャビネット、シルバーの調理設備) の写真


Kelsey Property
Kelsey Property
Paradise Restored Landscaping & Exterior DesignParadise Restored Landscaping & Exterior Design
cedar fencing, Covered Structures, decking, outdoor cookstation, outdoor living space,