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EN HOUSE/スタジオ宙
EN HOUSE/スタジオ宙
傍島 利浩傍島 利浩
Lake Calhoun Organic Modern
Lake Calhoun Organic Modern
John Kraemer & SonsJohn Kraemer & Sons
Builder: John Kraemer & Sons | Photography: Landmark Photography
ミネアポリスにある小さなコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれな家の外観 (混合材サイディング、外階段) の写真
Arlington, VA Modern Tiny House
Arlington, VA Modern Tiny House
FineCraft Contractors, Inc.FineCraft Contractors, Inc.
FineCraft Contractors, Inc. Harrison Design
ワシントンD.C.にあるお手頃価格の小さなモダンスタイルのおしゃれな家の外観 (漆喰サイディング) の写真
Best of Houzz 2025 が発表されました!
Seattle Boat House
Seattle Boat House
A uniform and cohesive look adds simplicity to the overall aesthetic, supporting the minimalist design. The A5s is Glo’s slimmest profile, allowing for more glass, less frame, and wider sightlines. The concealed hinge creates a clean interior look while also providing a more energy-efficient air-tight window. The increased performance is also seen in the triple pane glazing used in both series. The windows and doors alike provide a larger continuous thermal break, multiple air seals, high-performance spacers, Low-E glass, and argon filled glazing, with U-values as low as 0.20. Energy efficiency and effortless minimalism create a breathtaking Scandinavian-style remodel.
Atlanta Peachtree Park Renovation
Atlanta Peachtree Park Renovation
T.A. Mathieu ConstructionT.A. Mathieu Construction
アトランタにあるお手頃価格の小さなカントリー風のおしゃれな家の外観 (レンガサイディング) の写真
Freeport Tiny House
Freeport Tiny House
Marvin Design Gallery by Eldredge LumberMarvin Design Gallery by Eldredge Lumber
Integrity from Marvin Windows and Doors open this tiny house up to a larger-than-life ocean view.
Mike's Hammock
Mike's Hammock
Isla HomesIsla Homes
I built this on my property for my aging father who has some health issues. Handicap accessibility was a factor in design. His dream has always been to try retire to a cabin in the woods. This is what he got. It is a 1 bedroom, 1 bath with a great room. It is 600 sqft of AC space. The footprint is 40' x 26' overall. The site was the former home of our pig pen. I only had to take 1 tree to make this work and I planted 3 in its place. The axis is set from root ball to root ball. The rear center is aligned with mean sunset and is visible across a wetland. The goal was to make the home feel like it was floating in the palms. The geometry had to simple and I didn't want it feeling heavy on the land so I cantilevered the structure beyond exposed foundation walls. My barn is nearby and it features old 1950's "S" corrugated metal panel walls. I used the same panel profile for my siding. I ran it vertical to match the barn, but also to balance the length of the structure and stretch the high point into the canopy, visually. The wood is all Southern Yellow Pine. This material came from clearing at the Babcock Ranch Development site. I ran it through the structure, end to end and horizontally, to create a seamless feel and to stretch the space. It worked. It feels MUCH bigger than it is. I milled the material to specific sizes in specific areas to create precise alignments. Floor starters align with base. Wall tops adjoin ceiling starters to create the illusion of a seamless board. All light fixtures, HVAC supports, cabinets, switches, outlets, are set specifically to wood joints. The front and rear porch wood has three different milling profiles so the hypotenuse on the ceilings, align with the walls, and yield an aligned deck board below. Yes, I over did it. It is spectacular in its detailing. That's the benefit of small spaces. Concrete counters and IKEA cabinets round out the conversation. For those who cannot live tiny, I offer the Tiny-ish House. Photos by Ryan Gamma Staging by iStage Homes Design Assistance Jimmy Thornton
42 Concord Drive
42 Concord Drive
Our Town PlansOur Town Plans
Our Town Plans
Grover Condos
Grover Condos
Mezger HomesMezger Homes
Evanston Residence - Eclectic Colonial
Evanston Residence - Eclectic Colonial
Arrow. Land + StructuresArrow. Land + Structures
Evanston Landscape Design and Construction by Arrow. Marco Romani, RLA Landscape Architect
シカゴにある小さなトラディショナルスタイルのおしゃれな家の外観 (レンガサイディング) の写真
New Porch, & Shed Dormer Addition In Huntington, NY
New Porch, & Shed Dormer Addition In Huntington, NY
New Porch, & Dormer addition to a standard existing cape, in Huntington, New York. Photo By: Robert J. Chernack Architect, P.C.
ニューヨークにあるお手頃価格の小さなトラディショナルスタイルのおしゃれな二階建ての家 (ビニールサイディング) の写真
Costa Mesa Farmhouse Contemporary remodel
Costa Mesa Farmhouse Contemporary remodel
Christiano Homes, Inc.Christiano Homes, Inc.
Room for Everyone
Room for Everyone
Artistic Design and Construction, IncArtistic Design and Construction, Inc
This little white cottage has been a hit! See our project " Little White Cottage for more photos. We have plans from 1379SF to 2745SF.
チャールストンにあるお手頃価格の小さなトラディショナルスタイルのおしゃれな家の外観 (コンクリート繊維板サイディング) の写真
Midtowne Elevations
Midtowne Elevations
8th & Main8th & Main
ダラスにあるお手頃価格の小さなトラディショナルスタイルのおしゃれな家の外観 (塗装レンガ) の写真
Whidbey Family Camp
Whidbey Family Camp
H2D Architecture + DesignH2D Architecture + Design
There are two small sleeping cabins on the property. The small sleeping cabins are one story structures. Each cabin contains two bedrooms and a bathroom. The goal for the design is to have the visitors gather at the main cabin rather than spending all their time in the sleeping cabins. Designed by: H2D Architecture + Design www.h2darchitects.com Photos by: Chad Coleman Photography #whidbeyisland #whidbeyislandarchitect #h2darchitects
Spotted Gum House Renovation
Spotted Gum House Renovation
Jon Lowe ArchitectJon Lowe Architect
A typical 1960’s Adelaide residence is radically transformed for a young family without changing the footprint. The existing kitchen was boxed-in and the dining room faced a cramped gazebo on the western side of the house with no connection to the rear yard. The solution was to remove the wall between the kitchen and dining room, create a large new north-facing opening to a new rear deck, and add a window seat in the living room to make it feel bigger without adding floor area, but massively improving the cross ventilation. We also moved the carport to the front driveway and added a second living space under the main roof, for extra flexibility. The new carport and verandah design riffs on the retro California style, with futuristic curved steel columns and lightweight flowing roofs. The internal and external materials and finishes both compliment the original sandstone and cream brickwork and bring the clients love of native plants to life.
Custom Window Projects
Custom Window Projects
Windows & BeyondWindows & Beyond
Newly installed awning window in place of the more limited octagonal window. Windows & Beyond
サンフランシスコにあるお手頃価格の小さなビーチスタイルのおしゃれな家の外観 (ウッドシングル張り) の写真
Colour Consulting - Beach Box
Colour Consulting - Beach Box
Paperback SundaysPaperback Sundays
メルボルンにある低価格の小さなビーチスタイルのおしゃれな家の外観 (ピンクの外壁) の写真


Private Waterfront Accessory Structures on the Chester River
Private Waterfront Accessory Structures on the Chester River
Purple Cherry ArchitectsPurple Cherry Architects
The approach to the house offers a quintessential farm experience. Guests pass through farm fields, barn clusters, expansive meadows, and farm ponds. Nearing the house, a pastoral sheep enclosure provides a friendly and welcoming gesture.