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テラス・中庭 (壁面緑化) の写真

Small outdoor room with a green wall in Kensington
Small outdoor room with a green wall in Kensington
The Garden BuildersThe Garden Builders
Pro Colour Photography
ロンドンにある小さなコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれな裏庭のテラス (壁面緑化、天然石敷き) の写真
Courtyard House
Courtyard House
Architecture ParadigmArchitecture Paradigm
バンガロールにある中くらいなモダンスタイルのおしゃれな横庭のテラス (壁面緑化、コンクリート敷き 、パーゴラ) の写真
Arun Landscapes - Project Value £20,000 - £35,000 - Winner
Arun Landscapes - Project Value £20,000 - £35,000 - Winner
The Association of Professional LandscapersThe Association of Professional Landscapers
バークシャーにある中くらいなカントリー風のおしゃれな裏庭のテラス (壁面緑化、コンクリート敷き ) の写真
Garden SocietyGarden Society
シドニーにある小さな地中海スタイルのおしゃれな横庭のテラス (壁面緑化、コンクリート敷き 、パーゴラ) の写真
Ferme à Orgeval
Ferme à Orgeval
stephen clement
レンヌにあるお手頃価格の広いカントリー風のおしゃれな中庭のテラス (天然石敷き、壁面緑化、日よけなし) の写真
Privacy Solution with Artificial Hedge Panels from GreenSmart
Privacy Solution with Artificial Hedge Panels from GreenSmart
Add a bit of green to your outdoor area with Greensmart Decor. With artificial leaf panels, we've eliminated the maintenance and water consumption upkeep for real foliage. Our high-quality, weather resistant panels are the perfect privacy solution for your backyard, patio, deck or balcony.
Brandon Architects, Inc.Brandon Architects, Inc.
Jeri Keogel
オレンジカウンティにあるコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれなテラス・中庭 (壁面緑化) の写真
The Campiello 7
The Campiello 7
“I am so pleased with all that you did in terms of design and execution.” // Dr. Charles Dinarello • Our client, Charles, envisioned a festive space for everyday use as well as larger parties, and through our design and attention to detail, we brought his vision to life and exceeded his expectations. The Campiello is a continuation and reincarnation of last summer’s party pavilion which abarnai constructed to cover and compliment the custom built IL-1beta table, a personalized birthday gift and centerpiece for the big celebration. The fresh new design includes; cedar timbers, Roman shades and retractable vertical shades, a patio extension, exquisite lighting, and custom trellises.
Rooftop Gardens and Urban Farming
Rooftop Gardens and Urban Farming
San Francisco Rooftop Urban Garden. Photo Cred: Joshua Thayer
サンフランシスコにあるお手頃価格の小さなモダンスタイルのおしゃれな中庭のテラス (デッキ材舗装、張り出し屋根、壁面緑化) の写真
Simply High Line: Exterior Project
Simply High Line: Exterior Project
Betty Wasserman Art & InteriorsBetty Wasserman Art & Interiors
A large 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath home in New York City’s High Line area exhibits artisanal, custom furnishings throughout, creating a Mid-Century Modern look to the space. Also inspired by nature, we incorporated warm sunset hues of orange, burgundy, and red throughout the living area and tranquil blue, navy, and grey in the bedrooms. Stunning woodwork, unique artwork, and exquisite lighting can be found throughout this home, making every detail in this home add a special and customized look. The bathrooms showcase gorgeous marble walls which contrast with the dark chevron floor tiles, gold finishes, and espresso woods.
The House ArchitectsThe House Architects
Contemporary bi-fold design with sunny landscape garden patio.
ダブリンにある高級な中くらいなモダンスタイルのおしゃれな裏庭のテラス (壁面緑化、張り出し屋根、天然石敷き) の写真
Attic Barcelona - Turó Park
Attic Barcelona - Turó Park
Filippo Polli
バルセロナにあるお手頃価格の中くらいなコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれな裏庭のテラス (壁面緑化、天然石敷き) の写真
North West Design Award Winner 2010
North West Design Award Winner 2010
Kim Rooney DesignKim Rooney Design
Kim Rooney
シアトルにある高級な広いコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれな裏庭のテラス (コンクリート敷き 、日よけなし、壁面緑化) の写真
TANK 2012 Client photographs
TANK 2012 Client photographs
Lynn Gaffney Architect, PLLCLynn Gaffney Architect, PLLC
These photographs were taken of the roof deck (May 2012) by our client and show the wonderful planting and how truly green it is up on a roof in the midst of industrial/commercial Chelsea. There are also a few photos of the clients' adorable cat Jenny within the space.
Birchgrove - Tiny Courtyard
Birchgrove - Tiny Courtyard
Photos by Katrine Mardini
シドニーにある小さなコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれな中庭のテラス (壁面緑化) の写真
Calvin Street - The Courtyard
Calvin Street - The Courtyard
Peter Landers PhotographyPeter Landers Photography
Peter Landers Photography
ロンドンにあるコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれなテラス・中庭 (壁面緑化、コンクリート板舗装 、日よけなし) の写真
Paisajismo del Restaurante BREATHE
Paisajismo del Restaurante BREATHE
ZONA DEL PATIO El patio es de alguna manera el “alma” del proyecto, este espacio en el que las personas pueden disfrutar de un momento especial bajo la sombra de 6 grandes Chorisia speciosa [palo borracho]. Estos árboles centenares que provienen de Argentina aportan una sombra muy agradable durante casi todo el año. En invierno pierden las hojas, dejando el protagonismo a la textura de su tronco, para luego a principio de primavera lucir unas flores preciosas que destacan ya que aparecen antes de que el árbol vuelva a vestirse de hojas. La vegetación escogida de altura media y baja está compuesta por acantos y helechos, plantas que tramiten un ambiente fresco y selvático. FUENTES Este espacio se organiza alrededor de varias fuentes que aportan un murmullo y una humedad al ambiente. Las dos fuentes laterales están compuestas por unos muros vegetales de los cuales salen chorros de agua y unos bancos que delimitan los vasos de agua. Se trata de una reinterpretación contemporánea a otra escala de las "cien fuentes" de la Villa d'Este en Tivoli, Roma. Charly Simon Photo
Lennox Gardens
Lennox Gardens
ロンドンにある小さなコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれな中庭のテラス (壁面緑化、コンクリート敷き ) の写真
Hoeck Residence
Hoeck Residence
SP Gardens - Susanna Pagan Landscape DesignSP Gardens - Susanna Pagan Landscape Design
Studio 512 | Eddie Bojorquez
サンディエゴにあるコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれなテラス・中庭 (壁面緑化、コンクリート敷き ) の写真
East Hampton - Exterior Project
East Hampton - Exterior Project
Betty Wasserman Art & Interiors: The HamptonsBetty Wasserman Art & Interiors: The Hamptons
A large 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath home in New York City’s High Line area exhibits artisanal, custom furnishings throughout, creating a Mid-Century Modern look to the space. Also inspired by nature, we incorporated warm sunset hues of orange, burgundy, and red throughout the living area and tranquil blue, navy, and grey in the bedrooms. Stunning woodwork, unique artwork, and exquisite lighting can be found throughout this home, making every detail in this home add a special and customized look. Project designed by interior design firm, Betty Wasserman Art & Interiors. From their Chelsea base, they serve clients in Manhattan and throughout New York City, as well as across the tri-state area and in The Hamptons. For more about Betty Wasserman, click here: https://www.bettywasserman.com/ To learn more about this project, click here: https://www.bettywasserman.com/spaces/simply-high-line/

テラス・中庭 (壁面緑化) の写真