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Antique Rustic Renovation | Historic Home Renovation by Keri Murray Architecture
Antique Rustic Renovation | Historic Home Renovation by Keri Murray Architecture
Keri Murray ArchitectureKeri Murray Architecture
A cozy dining nook with exposed wooden beams, built-in bench seating, and a round table, complemented by soft green accents and decorative plates on the wall for a rustic, elegant touch.
Organic Modern Mountain Home
Organic Modern Mountain Home
Living Stone Design + BuildLiving Stone Design + Build
The Back Road
The Back Road
Talie Jane InteriorsTalie Jane Interiors
Brad Scott Photography
他の地域にあるラグジュアリーな中くらいなラスティックスタイルのおしゃれな独立型ダイニング (グレーの壁、無垢フローリング、両方向型暖炉、石材の暖炉まわり、茶色い床) の写真
Houzz でハイレベルな設計事務所やリノベーション会社を見つけましょう
Ten Mile Lake Stuga
Ten Mile Lake Stuga
Albertsson Hansen Architecture and Interior DesignAlbertsson Hansen Architecture and Interior Design
ミネアポリスにあるラスティックスタイルのおしゃれなLDK (白い壁、表し梁、塗装板張りの壁) の写真
Tahoe Mountain Classic
Tahoe Mountain Classic
Sarahliz Lawson DesignSarahliz Lawson Design
a dining room with many framed pictures on the wall
Загородный дом в Подмосковье
Загородный дом в Подмосковье
Салахова ДинаСалахова Дина
モスクワにあるラスティックスタイルのおしゃれなダイニング (板張り天井、板張り壁) の写真
SummitRidge Custom HomesSummitRidge Custom Homes
Fishing Camp | Blue Ridge
Fishing Camp | Blue Ridge
Meriwether Design GroupMeriwether Design Group
12 Peak Eight Ct
12 Peak Eight Ct
Pinnacle Mountain HomesPinnacle Mountain Homes
Downeast Barn House
Downeast Barn House
Albert, Righter & Tittmann Architects, Inc.Albert, Righter & Tittmann Architects, Inc.
A summer house built around salvaged barn beams. Not far from the beach, the secluded site faces south to the ocean and views. The large main barn room embraces the main living spaces, including the kitchen. The barn room is anchored on the north with a stone fireplace and on the south with a large bay window. The wing to the east organizes the entry hall and sleeping rooms.
Parkdale Lone Fir
Parkdale Lone Fir
Guggenheim Architecture + Design StudioGuggenheim Architecture + Design Studio
ポートランドにある高級な広いラスティックスタイルのおしゃれなLDK (表し梁) の写真
Peninsula Ridge
Peninsula Ridge
ID Studio InteriorsID Studio Interiors
他の地域にあるラスティックスタイルのおしゃれなLDK (白い壁、無垢フローリング、茶色い床、三角天井、板張り天井) の写真
Ski Chalet Mountain Mama Project | Dining Room
Ski Chalet Mountain Mama Project | Dining Room
Esmaili Rugs and Antiques, Inc.Esmaili Rugs and Antiques, Inc.
Photo and Design by Cashmere Interior LLC Rug by Esmaili Rugs and Antiques, Inc. info@esmailirugs.com Cashmere Interior LLC 2201 OLD COURT RD, BROOKLANDVILLE, MD 21208 PHONE: 410.878.0043 FAX: 410.878.0307 MAIL: INFO@CASHMEREINTERIOR.COM
Modern Rustic Dining Room With Unique Lighting
Modern Rustic Dining Room With Unique Lighting
Eldorado StoneEldorado Stone
Stone: Stacked Stone - Chapel Hill The classic elegance and intricate detail of small stones combined with the simplicity of a panel system give this stone the appearance of a precision hand-laid dry-stack set. Get a Stacked Stone Sample: https://shop.eldoradostone.com/products/stacked-stone-sample
ジャクソンにあるラスティックスタイルのおしゃれなダイニング (濃色無垢フローリング、暖炉なし) の写真
Yellow Hammer Ski House
Yellow Hammer Ski House
Pearson Design GroupPearson Design Group
他の地域にあるラスティックスタイルのおしゃれなダイニング (茶色い壁、グレーの床) の写真
Mountain Peek
Mountain Peek
Centre Sky Architecture LtdCentre Sky Architecture Ltd
他の地域にある広いラスティックスタイルのおしゃれなダイニング (無垢フローリング、石材の暖炉まわり、茶色い床、コーナー設置型暖炉) の写真
Party Barn
Party Barn
Vernon WentzVernon Wentz
The lighting design in this rustic barn with a modern design was the designed and built by lighting designer Mike Moss. This was not only a dream to shoot because of my love for rustic architecture but also because the lighting design was so well done it was a ease to capture. Photography by Vernon Wentz of Ad Imagery
Hauf Chalet Essbereich
Hauf Chalet Essbereich
Schreinerei Andreas HaufSchreinerei Andreas Hauf
Fotograf Benjamin Ganzenmüller, München
ミュンヘンにある中くらいなラスティックスタイルのおしゃれな独立型ダイニング (無垢フローリング、茶色い壁、茶色い床) の写真


Four Pines Cabin #14
Four Pines Cabin #14
Jacque Jenkins-Stireman: A Design StudioJacque Jenkins-Stireman: A Design Studio
他の地域にあるラスティックスタイルのおしゃれなダイニング (濃色無垢フローリング、標準型暖炉、石材の暖炉まわり) の写真