写真 1〜12 枚目(全 12 枚)

The large abstract by Emerson Woelffer is flanked by a pair of vintage Austrian sconces, and above a Spanish console loaned from C. Mariani.
Photo by David Duncan Livingston

2011 Dream Room Winner
On the windows we used cornice boards covered in a damask patterned fabric and attached honey-colored silk drapery panels inspired by grand European pillars. These treatments were ideal for framing the picturesque outside view. We selected a luxurious, golden-colored sofa with a large tone-on-tone damask pattern, an upholstered armchair and a fauteuil, creating a sophisticated, old world feel. A dark wooden cocktail table and side tables with cabriole legs completed the seating arrangement. We chose a variety of accessories in rich gold-tones, accented by robin’s egg blues with gray undertones and terra cotta shades, echoing the colors of many Italian scenes.

Living room, fireplace, and three-radius archway.
サンタバーバラにあるラグジュアリーな巨大なシャビーシック調のおしゃれな独立型リビング (黄色い壁、無垢フローリング、標準型暖炉) の写真
サンタバーバラにあるラグジュアリーな巨大なシャビーシック調のおしゃれな独立型リビング (黄色い壁、無垢フローリング、標準型暖炉) の写真

This game room encompasses everything from seating to pub tables to pool tables, but it's the unique antique light fixture that steals the show in this room.
Design: Wesley-Wayne Interiors
Photo: Dan Piassick

The open plan allows the views and light throughout to be shared. The modern furniture allows for different sitting configurations that are flexible depending on the number of people and activities in the space.

photo: Garth Francais
マイアミにある地中海スタイルのおしゃれなリビング (ミュージックルーム、ベージュの壁) の写真
マイアミにある地中海スタイルのおしゃれなリビング (ミュージックルーム、ベージュの壁) の写真