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ダラスにある高級な広いコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれなウォークインクローゼット (フラットパネル扉のキャビネット、グレーのキャビネット、磁器タイルの床、白い床) の写真
Alair Homes Plano
Alair Homes Plano
平均評価:5つ星中 星554件のレビュープロフィールを表示

Malabar Master Suite

This home had a previous master bathroom remodel and addition with poor layout. Our homeowners wanted a whole new suite that was functional and beautiful. They wanted the new bathroom to feel bigger with more functional space. Their current bathroom was choppy with too many walls. The lack of storage in the bathroom and the closet was a problem and they hated the cabinets. They have a really nice large back yard and the views from the bathroom should take advantage of that. We decided to move the main part of the bathroom to the rear of the bathroom that has the best view and combine the closets into one closet, which required moving all of the plumbing, as well as the entrance to the new bathroom. Where the old toilet, tub and shower were is now the new extra-large closet. We had to frame in the walls where the glass blocks were once behind the tub and the old doors that once went to the shower and water closet. We installed a new soft close pocket doors going into the water closet and the new closet. A new window was added behind the tub taking advantage of the beautiful backyard. In the partial frameless shower we installed a fogless mirror, shower niches and a large built in bench. . An articulating wall mount TV was placed outside of the closet, to be viewed from anywhere in the bathroom. The homeowners chose some great floating vanity cabinets to give their new bathroom a more modern feel that went along great with the large porcelain tile flooring. A decorative tumbled marble mosaic tile was chosen for the shower walls, which really makes it a wow factor! New recessed can lights were added to brighten up the room, as well as four new pendants hanging on either side of the three mirrors placed above the seated make-up area and sinks. Design/Remodel by Hatfield Builders & Remodelers | Photography by Versatile Imaging

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GabrielaさんがアイテムをIdeen von gabriela777に追加しました 2025年1月28日

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