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Project Runway Production Designer (Seasons 1 - 12) and NYSID graduate turned Interior Designer for Minis! We are a full service Interior Design Studio with a contemporary twist! We do not charge you hourly, we charge by package. Therefore, not only do you save money but the process is easier, faster and still gives you the feeling you are being guided by a Designer. Our services are for those who don't want to break their bank organizing and designing spaces for the minis in their lives! Our Principal Designer, Katherine De Luca, has designed Project Runway since its first season and is a NYSID graduate. She remained a Hollywood set designer and Interior Designer for 15 years before leaving the business to focus on her family and on creating a new format for the Interior Design process. Her background really allows her to create a room on any budget, so for those of you with a small budget, DO NOT FRET! You would be amazed at what you can do with $50.00! Her vision is to humanize and simplify the Interior Design process for the busy or design challenged parent. You have an idea in your head but you don't have the time to meet with a designer and approach the process in the traditional way. Your time is limited and so to review an eBoard from us while you are at the park with your kids, or at your desk or imprinted in the sofa with phone in hand after putting the kids down for the night was our motivation to create a simpler and more convenient process for you. Packages can be sent globally. She spoke to one too many parents who began to find the design process stressful and not fun. And so, Fabrikate Mini was born! Its ease and simplicity allow the client to actually enjoy the process and see how talented they themselves really are! Please see our packages for more details on our services. We are based in Los Angeles, CA but have projects in NYC, Milan and England. We began by focusing on children's spaces however have seen a great interest in other rooms and office spaces as well. So, we can do it all!


Single to Multiple Item Search and Finds Floor Plans eBoards 3D Renderings Detailed Lists with Hyperlinks where Items on eBoards can be purchased. Installations and Styling







Fabrikate Mini!


+1 310-401-4663



Los Angeles, CA 90210


$100 - 1,200.00

Services provided are purchased upfront through packages.


フォロワー 33人




アイデアブック 9件

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