Houzz Logo Print


Make yourself at home in the colours and words of Julie's Little World - a place that is bound to bring out yo' rosy cheeks on rough days and warm your heart. Hi there! My name is Julie and I'm a Melbourne based artist. Using watercolours and inks, I fill up my Little World with companions alongside positive and illustrative messages to remind people (and myself) that life's journey is made up of moments that ought to be enjoyed and savoured. Julie's Little World first took off in August 2011, late one night when I decided to give watercolours a try - since all I had was time on my hands and this funny feeling to start something new. I couldn't believe how delightful it was to work with such a medium. It was as if I could fluently communicate in the colours and textures watercolours can create. With every brush stroke, I felt more at home and started to build up my Little World. Since then, it has been a whirlwind of events from creating my first ever greeting cards range in 2013, to working on numerous projects. My Little World has popped up in many local Melbourne arts & craft markets - and this May 2015 will be our first interstate market in the Sydney Finders Keepers! I'm super excited about this road trip! JLW still has a long way to go but it's a challenge I'm ready to face. I believe in it with every part of my heart and soul. I thank you graciously to my family, friends and loyal supporters who have stuck with me all these years. You've patiently watched me grow and my journey wouldn't be the same without you. ♡


Julie's Little World artwork is available as greeting cards and archival art prints - all printed and hand made locally in Melbourne, Australia.





Julie's Little World


+61 610000000


Melbourne, Victoria 3000


フォロワー 1人



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