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Island Pool Services was founded by Ben Seeloff and Troy Taylor, two Norfolk Firefighters, in 2009. Ben and Troy had been friends since starting their firefighting careers in 2005 and had been looking forward to starting a company since they began working together at Station 11 in 2006. Troy had a baby girl and knew that there was no way he could pay for that little girl’s college on his firefighter salary alone. After many long nights and days at the station talking about all the companies they could start, they finally decided on a pool company. The two worked with a fellow firefighter with a pool company for several seasons. At that point, he told them that there was nothing more he could teach them and they needed to start their own company. Since the start of Island Pool Services Ben and Troy have spent countless hours cleaning, balancing, and repairing pools. They have been to many pool shows, including one of the largest in the country in Atlantic City, NJ, taking classes about pool chemistry and multiple other topics to further their knowledge in pool service. At this time they are pursuing certifications in Certified Service Professional from APSP, the largest Pool Organization in the country. Island Pool Services also has several other technicians to serve your pool needs. These professionals are mostly Norfolk Firefighters and are working on their certifications as well. Continuing education will remain a focus at Island Pool Services as the pool industry is ever changing and Island Pool Services strives to provide the best service utilizing the most current techniques.


Salt Water Pool Service and Maintenance, Chlorine to Salt Pool Conversions, Pump Motor Service and Repair, Weekly Pool Maintenance, Pool Liner Installations, Pool Safety Covers, Pool and Hot Tub Cleanings.


Chesapeake, VA and surrounding areas.





Island Pool Services


+1 757-286-4689



Chesapeake, VA 23320


フォロワー 10人





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