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Atlanta Landscape and Fertilization

Atlanta Landscape and Fertilization



Atlanta Landscape and Fertilization is the premier commercial and residential landscaping company in North Georgia. If you are looking for help making sure that you have a beautiful lawn all year long, then ALF can help. With our landscape maintenance, lawn aeration, and other lawn care services, you can make sure that you have a great yard and surrounding landscape. We are dedicated to making sure that you have a healthy landscape by providing quality maintenance, landscape design, and setting a proper fertilizer and weed control schedule. If you want a landscaping business that is dedicated to provide a healthy lawn for the long term, then ALF is here for you. A great start to making sure you have a great landscape is through our landscape maintenance services. The affordable services that we provide give you all the resources that you need to keep your lawn in great shape. During the fall, you can get professional leaf removal services to make sure that your lawn is not killed by the lack of sunlight and warmth. During peak grass growth seasons, we provide lawn mowing service to make sure that your grass stays at proper lengths for growth and health. You can also get incredible pine straw and mulching to help your plants and shrubs thrive by having a proper environment to grow. Finally, our landscape maintenance is able to provide pruning services and cut back overgrowth to make sure that your trees and shrubs are safe and healthy. With our expert landscapers, your lawn and landscape will look great and thrive all year.


Landscape, Lawn Care, Weed Control







Atlanta Landscape and Fertilization


+1 844-369-8873



40 Hightower Pkwy, Ste B
Dawsonville, GA 30534


フォロワー 0人



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