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ボストンにあるトラディショナルスタイルのおしゃれなホームオフィス・書斎 (無垢フローリング、自立型机) の写真
平均評価:5つ星中 星11件のレビュープロフィールを表示

Custom Libary in Maple by Odhner & Odhner Fine Woodworking Inc.

This custom library was designed for a lucky New Jersey area physician. The rich mahogany and traditional paneling give it an old world feel, but it's no dark, dusty study. Special custom hoods were created for the arched windows, as the light becomes a key feature of the room, and a panel and fluted pilasters were built to frame the window on the room end. Custom bookcases maximize wall space in the room and paneled heater covers conceal the hot water heating units. A new coffered ceiling, a custom desk to match - what more could you ask for in a study?

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Houzz ユーザーのコメント
Catherine GoodwinさんがアイテムをCatherine's ideasに追加しました 2024年4月20日
