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COLOUR DESIGN – because colour matters

Colour is the most important single element in preparing a design scheme for your house or business, as well as an inexpensive method of expressing yourself, and adding value to your property. The right use of colour can transform a room from boring and bland, to simply inspirational! Whilst many of us take colour for granted, the truth is, colour affects our emotions and feelings which can evoke passion, stimulate the senses, and set the mood. Without colour, the world would be a dreary and bland place. For the full story on colour design go to our blog http://houseofdesign.net.au/stylish/colour-design-when-colour-matters/


Houzz ユーザーのコメント
Clever Closet CompanyさんがアイテムをKarla Bedroomに追加しました 2019年3月11日

Throwing a whole lot of mis matched with a common thread can be lovely and easy to add to from op shops. You just get a...