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AJ Floor

Design: Arne Jacobsen Concept: The fixture emits downward directed light. The angle of the shade can be adjusted to optimize light distribution. The shade is painted white on the inside to ensure a soft comfortable light. Finish: Blue/green, petroleum, red, sand, yellow/green, black, graphite grey or white, wet painted. Material: Shade: Spun steel. Base: Die cast zinc. Stem: Steel. Mounting: Cable type: Plastic cord with plug. Cable length: 2.4m. Light control: In-line switch on cord. Weight: Max. 3.5kg. Class: Ingress protection IP20. Electric shock protection II.


Houzz ユーザーのコメント
Joyce McClainさんがアイテムをFireplacesに追加しました 2019年7月20日

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