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赤いモダンスタイルのリビング・居間 (オレンジの床) の写真

Maplewood, NJ
Maplewood, NJ
Rinaldi Designs Inc.Rinaldi Designs Inc.
ニューヨークにある高級な中くらいなモダンスタイルのおしゃれな独立型ファミリールーム (白い壁、カーペット敷き、暖炉なし、壁掛け型テレビ、オレンジの床) の写真
Milo Day Curio by Fiam Italia
Milo Day Curio by Fiam Italia
RoomService 360RoomService 360
Founded in 1973, Fiam Italia is a global icon of glass culture with four decades of glass innovation and design that produced revolutionary structures and created a new level of utility for glass as a material in residential and commercial interior decor. Fiam Italia designs, develops and produces items of furniture in curved glass, creating them through a combination of craftsmanship and industrial processes, while merging tradition and innovation, through a hand-­crafted approach.

赤いモダンスタイルのリビング・居間 (オレンジの床) の写真