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Galveston St. House
Galveston St. House
MK Development & Investment LLCMK Development & Investment LLC
The Craftsman shiplap continues into the Living Room/Great room, providing a relaxed, yet finished look on the walls. The built-in's provide space for storage, display and additional seating, helping to make this space functional and flexible.
Lakeview Residence
Lakeview Residence
Aspen & IvyAspen & Ivy
トロントにあるお手頃価格の中くらいなトラディショナルスタイルのおしゃれなリビング (白い壁、濃色無垢フローリング、標準型暖炉、石材の暖炉まわり、壁掛け型テレビ、茶色い床) の写真
Pinecrest Residence
Pinecrest Residence
Anders Lasater ArchitectsAnders Lasater Architects
photo by Chad Mellon
オレンジカウンティにあるラグジュアリーな広いビーチスタイルのおしゃれなLDK (白い壁、淡色無垢フローリング、三角天井、板張り天井、塗装板張りの壁、グレーとクリーム色) の写真
Encino House
Encino House
Dworsky ArchitectureDworsky Architecture
View of Great Room
Circa 1700
Circa 1700
Blansfield Builders, Inc.Blansfield Builders, Inc.
Jim Fuhrmann, Beinfield Architecture PC
ニューヨークにある高級な中くらいなカントリー風のおしゃれなLDK (標準型暖炉、グレーの壁) の写真
Modern Family Room with Entertainment Center
Modern Family Room with Entertainment Center
Jeff King & CompanyJeff King & Company
A sliding panel exposes the TV. Floor-to-ceiling windows connect the entire living space with the backyard while letting in natural light. Photography: Brian Mahany
Greenbrae, CA
Greenbrae, CA
Urrutia DesignUrrutia Design
URRUTIA DESIGN Photography by Matt Sartain
サンフランシスコにあるトランジショナルスタイルのおしゃれなLDK (白い壁、標準型暖炉、壁掛け型テレビ、淡色無垢フローリング) の写真
Deluxe in Alexandria
Deluxe in Alexandria
Erin HoopesErin Hoopes
This whole house renovation done by Harry Braswell Inc. used Virginia Kitchen's design services (Erin Hoopes) and materials for the bathrooms, laundry and kitchens. The custom millwork was done to replicate the look of the cabinetry in the open concept family room. This completely custom renovation was eco-friend and is obtaining leed certification. Photo's courtesy Greg Hadley Construction: Harry Braswell Inc. Kitchen Design: Erin Hoopes under Virginia Kitchens
Arcadia Area / Camelback Corridor - Custom Build
Arcadia Area / Camelback Corridor - Custom Build
Green Street Communities, Inc.Green Street Communities, Inc.
フェニックスにある広いトランジショナルスタイルのおしゃれなLDK (白い壁、無垢フローリング、標準型暖炉、レンガの暖炉まわり、壁掛け型テレビ、茶色い床) の写真
Accessible Ranch Total Renovation
Accessible Ranch Total Renovation
Kipnis Architecture + PlanningKipnis Architecture + Planning
The family room was totally gutted and expanded. The fireplace is the main focal point in the room. Remote controlled shades are located at the top of the horizontal band of windows. Ceiling fans help cool the room in the summer. A.J. Brown Photography
Delancey Project
Delancey Project
Jill Jenkins DesignsJill Jenkins Designs
サンフランシスコにある広いインダストリアルスタイルのおしゃれなLDK (白い壁、淡色無垢フローリング) の写真
Ristrutturazione appartamento a Milano _C
Ristrutturazione appartamento a Milano _C
Bartoli DesignBartoli Design
Un intervento di ristrutturazione radicale, quello progettato da Bartoli Design, per una coppia con figli adolescenti trasferitasi in un appartamento di 210 metri quadrati, all'ultimo piano di un edificio anni '80. Le richieste dei committenti erano di mantenere lo stesso comfort della loro precedente più ampia abitazione in questa dalla metratura inferiore, ma in zona più centrale, trovando inoltre nuova collocazione per i pezzi di arredo storici della famiglia. Appassionati di design e amanti della vita sportiva e rilassata, la coppia cercava una soluzione abitativa luminosa, per contribuire al benessere della famiglia. Questa non era l’impressione che dava l’appartamento quando gli architetti lo hanno visitato per la prima volta: una pianta labirintica con numerosi piccoli locali e, al centro, una scala chiusa che conduceva ad un soppalco buio. Si trattava però di uno spazio con tutte le potenzialità di un ultimo piano immerso nel verde, con finestre affacciate su quattro lati e tetto a falde inclinate dalle diverse angolature. Il progetto di Bartoli Design ha disegnato una nuova pianta e configurazione dell'appartamento in zone aperte una sull’altra: sono state demolite le pareti interne e quelle del vecchio soppalco, la cucina è stata spostata all’estremità opposta, i corridoi sono stati sostituiti da pochi pannelli di chiusura scorrevoli o pivottanti che spariscono a filo parete. Durante il giorno quindi dall’ingresso alla camera da letto principale lo sguardo corre ininterrotto, dalle porte aperte la luce filtra negli spazi. Un'altra parte complessa del lavoro di ristrutturazione ha riguardato la distribuzione di tutti gli impianti negli scarsi spessori disponibili a soletta e nelle pareti.
Condo Renovation
Condo Renovation
SWZ Architects LLC (merging with LFA)SWZ Architects LLC (merging with LFA)
Kara Spelman
ボストンにある広いカントリー風のおしゃれなLDK (白い壁、濃色無垢フローリング、標準型暖炉、木材の暖炉まわり、埋込式メディアウォール、茶色い床) の写真
Miller Family Room
Miller Family Room
Karen Spiritoso Designs LLCKaren Spiritoso Designs LLC
Kris Palen
ダラスにあるラグジュアリーな広いトラディショナルスタイルのおしゃれなリビング (ベージュの壁、無垢フローリング、標準型暖炉、石材の暖炉まわり、埋込式メディアウォール、茶色い床) の写真
Coastal Mid-Century
Coastal Mid-Century
KW DesignsKW Designs
Chipper Hatter Photography
サンディエゴにある高級な中くらいなコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれなリビング (白い壁、淡色無垢フローリング) の写真
Trastevere House
Trastevere House
Arabella Rocca DesignArabella Rocca Design
Anna Galante Photography
ローマにある巨大なコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれなオープンリビング (白い壁、淡色無垢フローリング、据え置き型テレビ) の写真
Scandinavian Living Room
Scandinavian Living Room
ロサンゼルスにある高級な広い北欧スタイルのおしゃれなLDK (白い壁、淡色無垢フローリング、テレビなし、暖炉なし、茶色いソファ) の写真
Minimalistic Mid Century
Minimalistic Mid Century
VARA DesignVARA Design
Midcentury Modern Home Lounge Area Fireplace
シカゴにある巨大なコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれなリビング (無垢フローリング、標準型暖炉、石材の暖炉まわり、茶色い床、ガラス張り) の写真
helsingHouse FastighetsmäklarehelsingHouse Fastighetsmäklare
マルメにある高級な広い北欧スタイルのおしゃれなリビング (白い壁、両方向型暖炉、淡色無垢フローリング、テレビなし) の写真
Old Stone Highway
Old Stone Highway
ニューヨークにある高級な広いコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれなLDK (コンクリートの床、白い壁、標準型暖炉、ミュージックルーム、金属の暖炉まわり、テレビなし、グレーの床) の写真
