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TV in the Bedroom - Yes or No?

Emily H
Do you think televisions have a place in the bedroom?

VOTE and tell us about your own experience! (Photos encouraged)
Either way - No strong opinion

コメント (249)

  • penelopesdreamydesigns
    to gmilburn, ; ) no offense intended, however, in my opinion I would say that depends on the people in the bedroom, not the t.v. per se.
    There is a remote control and an off button, it's easy to turn off the t.v. if you want to sleep or do something else ; )
  • yolandajay
    I like having the TV on in the morning to one of the morning "news" shoes when getting dressed. I don't watch TV in the bedroom at night.
  • kseaborn
    I used to love watching the TV on a time before bed, but when I married my husband he was adamant it had to go. Instead, I now listen to the radio (COMPROMISE!) There are such great, chic radio options out there. I have a Tangent Quattro now, but am eyeing the Roberts.
  • bungalowmo
    Wow...been a while since I dropped in on this thread. When I look back on my post in late October, and re-read the few before & read those after....I really must apologize. I really don't know what I had read or what I was thinking. The post from sliplips was way out of line.

    My apologies for having a brain freeze moment. :0(
  • kpappal
    I love my tv in the bedroom. My husband watches sports in his man cave and I can watch my favorites in the bedroom (Downton Abbey) or watch the news in the morning as I get ready for work.
    If that makes me a "bad person", so be it!
  • PRO
    I advice you keep the TV in the bedroom.---www.kohliron.com
  • Donna Allgaier-Lamberti
    I do not want a TV in my bedroom. Never have and likely never will. When my children were growing up I would never allow a TV in their bedroom either. I monitored their screen time to one hour a day to encourage them to play outside, play board games, ride their bikes, play basketball. I believe that children need fresh air, sunshine and exercise, esp. after sitting in a schoolroom all day.
  • danieBOB
    Nope, no TV in the bedroom. My husband was actually the one to insist. We only have 1 TV in the house that's hooked up to cable, and that's in the living room. The other tv is in the garage, and it's there more as a computer monitor so we can stream workout DVDs.
  • PRO
    Yvonne Potter Interior Design
    Only if you don't want a great sleep!
  • Momof5x
    Before I would have said no, not at all but have changed my opinion on that for several reasons. Hubby and the boys like to watch live football matches and sometimes that can go on for days so having a TV in the room means I can watch my programmes. It isn't on otherwise. The Main TV is where everyone gathers when there is no football or special programmes on.
  • Matt Christensen
    Am I the only one that has an off switch on my tv? So if I want to sleep or make whoopee with some unfortunate lady then I just hit the power off button.
  • Velda Roy
    Where else am I gonna go late in the evening when hubby starts "flicking" through the channels to find something funny that I dont want to see, before he goes to bed. When we move into our new home in July, there wil be a little sitting room with a small TV off the kitchen where our bedroom TV will go.
  • Jessica Kerry Mack
    I think one of the most uncomfortable evenings of my life was spent at a friend's home. They'd invited another couple and my husband and I over for dinner and a movie. We didn't realize until we arrived that the only tv in the house was an enormous 54 inch TV set up at the foot of their bed in the master bedroom. We had a nice meal, but then all 6 of us plus two mini pinchers had to either climb onto their bed or sit on the floor to watch the movie, and the screen was far too large and close up to watch comfortably even if you are comfortable being in someone else's bed with another couple!
  • mefor
    LOL, are you sure they weren't swingers? Who does that?
  • Jessica Kerry Mack
    Not swingers - Medical students, the group was three couples from the same residency program. The hosting family was a rather uptight Southern Baptist couple which was one of the reasons we were all rather suprised by the situation.
  • Matt Christensen
    Good Lord. I would want to be the caboose on that cuddle train.
  • mefor
    Thanks for the giggle, Jessica ;)
  • penelopesdreamydesigns
    Matt C and mforr, Hilarious : )
  • PRO
    I never include televisions in my master bedroom designs. They are intended to be romantic, relaxing retreats.
  • lake1114
    I think bedrooms are intended to be anything the homeowners want!
  • dogmom5
    I love having a TV in our bedroom. There are plenty of times my Hubby watches something I'm so not interested in. This way I can watch it in the bedroom, read & use my iPad. Though well aware of what the experts say it's never caused any sleep problems having a TV in our bedroom in almost 43 years of marriage.
  • larkspurproject
    I don't get to do this very often but a guilty pleasure is watching TV in bed on a Sunday morning after my husband brings me coffee and keeps the kids at bay for an hour. Awake and not hitting the floor running....ahhhhh
  • thickskin
    It seems some think we sleep with our bedroom TV on all night. There is an off button on the remote which we know how to use.
  • PRO
    Rebecca Mitchell Interiors
    Personally no. Professionally - whatever the client wants! Last year we designed a custom cabinet with a mechanical pop up flat screen for the foot of the bed to match the custom wardrobe along one wall. Photos of tv unit in progress but here's the master bedroom without it.
  • mousemaker
    No, I think it should be whatever we all decide on here :)
  • lake1114
    Mousemaker-be careful! your name might be changed to Troublemaker! Lots of strong opinions with this one.
  • mousemaker
    lol. don't I know it!! casual little comments or even trying to be friendly can get your head bitten off!!
  • lake1114
    Sure can! Amazing how an "opinion" poll turns so nasty. But I guess wars have been started over less!! By the way, I am watching T.V. in bed right now!! (not really, just kidding)
  • User
    I don't like the idea of having TV in the bedroom because I find watching TV as a group activity. If I ever find myself with free time and alone, I'd read or take a nap.
  • Jennifer Hogan
    I think it is a very personal decision. I work exceptionally long hours and I work from home (one job) and run a home based business (job 2). I don't own a kitchen or dining room table as I found that flat surfaces breed paper and become a storage space for stuff. We have a breakfast counter for eating. I have 2 places in my home for solace. One is my bathroom and the other is my bedroom. I don't watch much tv, but if I want to relax and watch a movie and not be distracted I am going to hole up in my bedroom, turn off the cell phones, silence the ringer on the house phone, close the door and watch a movie.

    I also find that when the pressure is mounting and my eyes are tired from hours of computer work and my brain won't turn off it helps to watch something just interesting enough to distract me from work, but not interesting enough to keep me awake.
  • cluedin
    What i find to be the most distracting in the bedroom is my ipad. Tv is a distant second choice, but we enjoy it in the bedroom - listening to the news or the end of a game with the sleep timer on.
    What i don't like is when a tv is placed on a beautiful dresser and then there is no artwork in the room to enjoy from the bed. I have a very small br with builtin clothes storage, so here is my solution.
    First picture is "before", second "after".
  • katerlyn
    Jennifer Hogan I smiled at your post...I deleted my kitchen table since the 70 pound dog decided she liked sitting in the middle of it. Recently I finally got my dining room table cleared off and she does it there, too! You have me thinking.....what else could I put in my dining room, the edges house computers and desks. 8-)
    Which I should probably move to the den and basement office...
  • Jennifer Hogan
    katerlyn, I don't wish to make your life devoid of hope, however, my German Shorthair Pointer was often found sitting or standing on my kitchen counter. Once she got stuck on top of my refrigerator. . . I had taken her ball and put it on top of the fridge when I got tired of playing. I forgot about it, but as soon as I left the room she decided to retrieve her beloved ball. I heard her barking and found her standing on top of the fridge, ball in mouth, without a clue how to get down.
  • katerlyn
    WOW! Maybe I have that to look forward to!! Thanks for being nice to her! 8-) Jennifer Hogan @Jennifer Hogan
  • PRO
    Read about our TV in our bedroom dilemma at
  • PRO

    Another solution are Ad Notam Mirrored Televisions. When the television is off you have a mirror, switch the television on and - as if by magic - the image appears with no loss of image quality. Simple, clean and elegant.

  • jenny
    I think a TV in the bedroom would hurt my sex life.
  • PRO
    TV Lift Cabinet by Cabinet Tronix

    Here are a few ways to hide the TV in the bedroom.

    Florida TV Lift Cabinet by Cabinet Tronix. TV Lift Cabinet Made in USA. · 詳細

  • Debbie Betts

    I really wanted to leave the tv out of the bedroom, but my husband won that battle. LOL. Anyway, we rarely use it, but it is nice on weekend mornings when the kids get up and crawl in. It buys a little more sleep time.

  • Judy Mishkin

    i love our bedroom tv. not big enough to want to watch anything on it (we have the den for that) but a good size for watching the 11 pm news while warming up the bed.

  • User
    No tv in my bedroom unless it's going to be playing "inspirational programming"
  • trizacmar
    This was quite the debate for me. Finally did get a TV for the bedroom because I spent most nights asleep on the sofa in front of the TV. Now I put the timer on and at least I'm already in bed should I fall asleep.
  • momdotcom41
    I sleep like the dead! I watch tv ( mostly any old Everybody Loves Raymond show) every night when I go to bed. It's not the type of tv program one has to concentrate on, and before the show is over, I use my tv remote to shut off the set and them I'm out!
  • User
    scientists say that its bad for you because of the electro-magnetic radiation can damage you sleep.
  • User
    scientists say that its bad for you because of the electro-magnetic radiation can damage you sleep.
  • Nora Giulia
    My parents have a TV in their bedroom! I think it's a good idea! You can snuggle into the bed and watch a movie!
  • Elsa
    I tend to agree with Cancork Floors comment, and others suggesting no tv in bedroom, BUT .... I have a hard time sleeping without it. Also, without it, I'm afraid I'd stay up too late watching tv in the main living area trying to get tired, or fall asleep on the couch, or go to bed and lie awake for hours. I also love having TV in bedroom for myself or my husband is not feeling well. Takes your mind off of feeling ill a bit.
  • Momof5x

    I just wanted to add that when we lived in the USA for a while, there was no TV in the bedroom ( rented home) but I heard this storm outside our home and wasn't aware of how strong tornadoes were in the area. I remembered a friend telling me that they always had alerts about weather conditions on TV, so I went to check the TV and indeed, there was a tornado alert! I was in and out of both rooms after that.

    I remember reading a handbook of what to do in case of emergency, but hubby wouldn't budge from his bed. Next morning, looked out of the window and found several large trees, uprooted and garden shed was gone, when I looked for it, it landed at the opposite end of garden still in one piece!! At that time, I would have preferred TV in bedroom lol

    But then again the TV is like a mobile phone, it is like a magazine, you can switch it off or put it down.

  • User

    A necessary evil! I like the look of a room without it but it's so functional these days!

  • PRO
    Raegan Ford Interior Design

    I say no tv in the bedroom!