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Need a complete house redesign and renovation

I love all things contemporary and would like to redesign a 6 bed bungalow as well as landscaping the rear gardens...if you have ideas that can kick this off please do share

コメント (3)

  • PRO
    You need a work hub - a wall is idea to stick your plans and add your inspirations, you hopes and dreams up on - a time line - a start and finish goal and a good team to help you see it all through !
    You can either do this the DIY route or bring in relevant professionals to help along the way.

    Plan ahead and stick to your decisions and you should find it easier to stick to your budgets .

    :-) happy Houzzing !
  • PRO
    Amber Jeavons Ltd

    Hello Yewande,

    Yes, start by identifying what is currently not working for you or if a new acquisition then decide on a theme. If you have no idea, hire someone who can come up with a myriad of ideas from which to help you narrow down what you intend for the home...

    Is the building a particular period? Does this inspire the interior in some way?.. Do you have something particular that you want to weave into the scheme... What is your budget... Do you need nifty ideas on how to save here and there... Do you need planning for what you intend? All these things may be able to give you an idea of how to start the process and If I can help you further let me know.. .... I'm also good with gardens... : ))

  • PRO
    Elysium Design

    Hi Yewande,

    I have just posted a contemporary remodel project in design dilemmas. It's also worth taking a look at our design & build company web-site contemporaryconversions.co.uk where we also specialize in outdoor living and garden design.