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differences between this product shown 3-4 times

This product has 3-4 different price points by different manufacturers. Are they all the same product or are they of different qualities???
Essey Bin Bin Waste Basket by Essey of Denmark, Black · 詳細

コメント (1)

  • PRO
    Designerliners Inc.

    The original and the Bin Bin that we sell is made only by Essey of Denmark. The price variation for this authentic product ranges from $50-$55.

    There is a smaller Bin Bin made for the Asian market, but it is not readily available in the United States.

    Within the last year, we have seen at least one knockoff made in China; the material was different and the product was inferior.

    Hpefully, this answers your question.

    Michael Blake

    Designerliners Inc.