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Which 70's TV house would you want to live in?


For those that watched television in the 70's, was there one house featured in a show that stands out to you as the best? Which one?

Let's hear your favorites and we'll turn the most popular choices into a poll for everyone. :)

Happy Days: The Cunningham's House, in Los Angeles, CA · 詳細

*This is the Cunningham house from "Happy Days."

コメント (78)

  • 9年前


  • 9年前

    FYI...all scenes of the house at Southfork were shot with a wide angle lens to make it appear larger both inside and out.

  • PRO

    What a creative question! For 70's I'd definitely go along with other posters in this thread with the Brady Bunch Home. Ideally however, the 90's Disney film 'Smart house' where life is automated would be my dream home!

  • 9年前

    I'd like the mansion from Magnum, P.I. :)

  • 9年前

    Love the Don't Eat the Daisies house!

  • 9年前

    The Beverly Hillbillies...from rags to riches...it was my first insight to what a "mansion" was. But I loved their insight better...brought my dad to tears laughing so hard.

  • 9年前

    I really love the Victorian House that the 3 sisters lived in on the show "Charmed," and the house where "Designing Women" lived. Brian Keith's ranch and home, supposedly in Carmel, CA, was also stunning, in the original "Parent Trap" film with Hayley Mills. But I guess none of these is a 70's house! Well...I do like the Walton's house, and the Cunningham house too. :-)

  • 9年前
    The 'Family' house in Pasadena was my dream home for many years.
  • 9年前
    The Walton's home ,less to do with the structure more about the portrayal of their family life - which makes a house a home!
    I wouldn't waste any time referring to Houzz to add a second bathroom though!
  • 9年前
    From the 70's, the Brady's..love that architectural style. My favorite TV houses were the Cleavers and Sheriff Taylor's in the 60's, probably had a lot to do with the families inside. All these TV houses are 2 story, I wonder how much it influenced buying decisions as we grew up.
  • 9年前

    I would love to live in the Walton's house on a mountain, and have a big happy family like they did.

  • 9年前
    Magnum PI mansion or the Bionic Woman's California ranch
  • 9年前
    Designing women house
  • PRO

    the one in the picture

  • 9年前
    Magnum PI.
    Some of the stated houses are from the 70,s not 80's
  • 9年前
    Anyone for "the Swamp" from M*A*S*H as a vacation retreat fixer-upper? Keep in mind the show was filmed in Southern California, and not in Korea....
  • 9年前
    I take back my above comment, Doi!
    My choice 70's of course is eight is enough
  • 9年前
    The Fantasy Island house, of course!
  • 9年前
    Eight is Enough!
  • 9年前

    Southfork Ranch

  • 9年前

    I'm gonna have to go with Jim Rockford's trailer. No maintenance worries (obviously) and a great location!

  • 9年前

    I dream of genie house

  • 9年前
    29 Cove Road!!
  • 9年前

    Gull cottage from The Ghost and Mrs Muir. In the show, it was perched on a cliff overlooking the sea, where the captain (who built it) could watch shipping traffic. http://hookedonhouses.net/2011/08/29/gull-cottage-from-the-ghost-mrs-muir-tv-show-for-sale/

    I also loved the Brady Bunch house and absolutely coveted Morticia Addams' conservatory (although that was 60's)

  • 9年前
    Oh Bettina...what a house!
    I think I came along a bit after it, so never heard of the show before. But what a house!
  • 9年前
    I say the Walton's!
  • 9年前
    Hands down collinwood from dark shadows! I'll even take the parallel universe!
  • 9年前

    If we are going for the 70's then would have to be eight I'd enough. Just the right amount of tradition and comfort.

  • 9年前

    The flat from the Monkees. Or is that 60's? Alternatively it would be the Munsters house or Mork and Mindy's house. Love architectural details!

  • 9年前

    Why can't I just live at Downton Abbey? :)

  • 9年前

    The Starship Enterprise. I love the sound of the doors opening and closing automatically. And it had that "beam me anywhere I want to go" chamber. Oh yeah!

  • 9年前

    When I was a kid, I wished I could live in I Dream of Jeannie's bottle.

  • 9年前

    It was from the 50s, but I loved the second house the Cleavers had on "Leave It to Beaver." In fact, I believe the same house and street scene were used for "Marcus Welby, M.D" in the 1970s. At any rate, I loved all the little built-ins in the kitchen where each small appliance and even the radio fit just perfectly. All this made it easy for June Cleaver to keep the kitchen tidy, and I loved the checkered curtains at the window and on the kitchen door. My cousin Ross had a bedroom just like Wally and Beaver's room, complete with the twin-size maple poster beds and matching dressers, the short royal blue plaid curtains, and the model airplanes. My Aunt Ruth, Ross's mother, has kept the room exactly this way over the decades, and it still is a charming and comfortable room for a young man.

  • 9年前

    Definitely the Waltons' house--the porch, the fireplace, the kitchen, the upstairs hallway, Grandma and Grandpa's bedroom. Everything.

  • 9年前

    I loved Murder She Wrote (still do) and made the special trip to Mendecino several yrs back to see the Cape Cod set---we go there on 4th of July parade day and couldn't believe how many people came with riding lawn mowers, pets, etc. It was a "movie experience" but was surprised to find that some of the town bldgs were not really what they were in the series----but I wish I could have seen inside the Blair House---but it was a charming & magical visit for me!!!

  • 9年前

    @mrsstem, you may know this, but the Fantasy Island house is at the Los Angeles County Arboretum in Arcadia, California. I grew up about five minutes from there and spent many, many afternoons with my family wandering around the grounds. You can go right up to the windows and look in, although it's decorated more in the time frame it was actually used (late 1800s), mostly as a guest house for the Santa Anita Ranch. It's right next to the Santa Anita Race Track. We saw them filming Fantasy Island there at least once. Also, fun fact. There are zillions (okay, that's maybe not fact) of peacocks roaming the park and they are not restricted in any way, so it's not at all unusual to be driving down the road in Arcadia and have to stop for peacocks slowly strutting their way to . . . somewhere. Thanks for a little memory walk for me.

  • 9年前

    @housequester...I actually never knew that, until I went to find a photo of the house! That is so cool! I just remember being a little kid and Herve Villachez would come out saying "Da plane! Da plane!" and I would enjoy an hour of escapist nonsense :) (We were only allowed one hour of television a day, and there was only one television, so I ended up watching a lot of shows that were really attuned to older members of the family)

    One of my childhood neighbors had peacocks. They do what they will lol..

  • 9年前

    Eight is enough, and bewitched, also Brady bunch. Varied styles.

  • 9年前

    Mine would be Bewitched or The Family house!!! So fun to dream.

  • 9年前

    Anyone remember "My Three Sons" with Fred McMurray? I remember as a little kid wishing I lived in that house. Or maybe the Cleaver's house in "Leave It To Beaver". I must be a little older that everyone else here : )

  • 9年前
    Gull cottage from The Ghost and Mrs Muir massive gothic house by the sea or Brady Bunch house mid-century with Open plan kitchen and open central stairs as a close second
  • 9年前

    Three's Company Apt.

  • 9年前

    That's easy......the Partridge Family home! It was my dream house as a kid being the perfect cozy home with a comfy layout, and I loved the shutters.

  • 9年前

    The Carrington Mansion from Dynasty.

  • 9年前

    So many to choose from that I didn't even remember until I read all these great suggestions! I agree with mileenawins about Jeannie's bottle. Actually, even just a small office furnished in opulent purple and gold velvet would make life so nice! I know my husband would agree with rredpenn about Starship Enterprise. He has a motion sensor by his office door that makes door opening and closing sounds when someone walks in and can also make "beam me up" sounds. Talk about living in ones own fantasy!

  • 7年前
    Mary Tyler Moore's apartment although I would nix the sofa bed for a daybed in front of the balcony doors
  • 7年前

    The Brady "Mansion" with Alice of course!

  • 7年前

    The Brady Bunch!

  • 7年前
    I totally would love to live in the sprawling 70s "Heart to Heart" ranch house.