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Need LOW BUDGET ideas for front of house.

Just finished all the projects on the inside of this house - now the front needs help! Spent all our money on re-hab. Any (cheap) ideas?? Paint? Landscape? Shutters? Thanks!

コメント (2)

  • PRO
    Kemora Landscapes
    It is kind of hard to tell with such a small photo, but you can't go wrong with landscaping. Saving a chunk of your budget focusing on the landscape is crucial. This is an easy and fairly inexpensive way to boost up that curb appeal by adding some color and character. I'd start with picking out larger structural trees/shrubs. Maybe an ornamental japanese maple or serviceberry in one of the corners. And then some structural shrubs as well. Always keep in mind to have a balance of evergreen shrubs for winter interest. Once you create your structure, then you can sprinkle around perennials for some color. Hope this helps. Good luck!
    Linda MasonさんはKemora Landscapesさんにお礼を言いました
  • PRO
    Jared Weggeland
    Color is easy and inexpensive. What about some shutters that coordinate with a new door color. Vinyl shutters are often less than $100 each and a pot of paint should be very easy to match. Add these items to a little landscaping, possibly some potted plants and "voila", a whole new look!
    Linda MasonさんはJared Weggelandさんにお礼を言いました