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ベージュのI型キッチン (茶色いキッチンパネル、グレーのキッチンパネル、中間色木目調キャビネット、ステンレスカウンター) の写真

Spin Design LimitedSpin Design Limited
The kitchen and Dining areas are a popular gathering spot in most homes. A lot of entertaining is done in this room as family and friends gather in an area close to where meals and appetizers are being prepared. It also is a place where the family may meet at the end of the day to talk about the day’s events. There is no doubt about the fact that these spaces are where memories are made and shared on a regular basis. The colour of the earth beneath your feet, a cup of coffee in the morning, a dollop of honey on toast and a bar of caramel chocolate. The tiles bring warmth and contentment to the space. MIDDLE EARTH TILES’ GOLDEN MANUKA Tile was laid with 33% offset. The tile was chosen as not only for the wonderful tone in colour, but because Middle Earth tiles are a “Cradle to Grave” product. The raw material are extracted close to the manufacturing site, they will last for many years, even centuries and the designs are timeless. Middle Earth tiles can be returned to the environment with no ill effects at the end of their life cycle. TILE SPACE TAILORART BROWN 600X600 CSA019 TO KITCHENETTE FLOOR & BATHROOM FLOOR was chosen to reflect a textured fabric, like a blanket used on the beach.
他の地域にあるモダンスタイルのおしゃれなキッチン (一体型シンク、落し込みパネル扉のキャビネット、中間色木目調キャビネット、ステンレスカウンター、グレーのキッチンパネル、ガラス板のキッチンパネル、黒い調理設備、無垢フローリング、板張り天井) の写真

ベージュのI型キッチン (茶色いキッチンパネル、グレーのキッチンパネル、中間色木目調キャビネット、ステンレスカウンター) の写真