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インダストリアルスタイルのキッチン (大理石のキッチンパネル、石スラブのキッチンパネル、木材のキッチンパネル、中間色木目調キャビネット、赤いキャビネット、ステンレスキャビネット、ドロップインシンク) の写真

Банный комплекс с бассейном
Банный комплекс с бассейном
Левина Екатерина и Вавилова АнастасияЛевина Екатерина и Вавилова Анастасия
他の地域にあるお手頃価格の広いインダストリアルスタイルのおしゃれなキッチン (ドロップインシンク、フラットパネル扉のキャビネット、中間色木目調キャビネット、御影石カウンター、ベージュキッチンパネル、大理石のキッチンパネル、磁器タイルの床、ベージュの床、黒いキッチンカウンター、表し梁、シルバーの調理設備、アイランドなし) の写真
MWA, Inc.MWA, Inc.
The kitchen opens to the green wall entry on the right side and the green house in the left. Large South and East facing windows provide copious amounts of warming sun and natural light. The beautiful concrete countertops were produced locally. Photographer: Vance Fox
Industrial Stainless Steel Kitchen
Industrial Stainless Steel Kitchen
This project was all about reflective surfaces, metal versus glass. Possibly a first for us and was very enjoyable seeing the end effect of this industrial looking kitchen.
Industrial Stainless Steel Kitchen
Industrial Stainless Steel Kitchen
This project was all about reflective surfaces, metal versus glass. Possibly a first for us and was very enjoyable seeing the end effect of this industrial looking kitchen.
Industrial Stainless Steel Kitchen
Industrial Stainless Steel Kitchen
This project was all about reflective surfaces, metal versus glass. Possibly a first for us and was very enjoyable seeing the end effect of this industrial looking kitchen.
Industrial Stainless Steel Kitchen
Industrial Stainless Steel Kitchen
This project was all about reflective surfaces, metal versus glass. Possibly a first for us and was very enjoyable seeing the end effect of this industrial looking kitchen.
Industrial Stainless Steel Kitchen
Industrial Stainless Steel Kitchen
This project was all about reflective surfaces, metal versus glass. Possibly a first for us and was very enjoyable seeing the end effect of this industrial looking kitchen.
Industrial Stainless Steel Kitchen
Industrial Stainless Steel Kitchen
This project was all about reflective surfaces, metal versus glass. Possibly a first for us and was very enjoyable seeing the end effect of this industrial looking kitchen.

インダストリアルスタイルのキッチン (大理石のキッチンパネル、石スラブのキッチンパネル、木材のキッチンパネル、中間色木目調キャビネット、赤いキャビネット、ステンレスキャビネット、ドロップインシンク) の写真