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浴室・バスルーム (コンクリートの洗面台、タイルの洗面台、ライムストーンタイル、洗面台1つ) の写真

1403 Octavius
1403 Octavius
deSigneR - Architects and Interior DesignersdeSigneR - Architects and Interior Designers
The lime-plastered walls exude vintage allure, Transforming the bathroom to rustic Moroccan pure. Raw and natural, its beauty is sublime, With wooden vanity and cane shutters, playful in time. Rustic copper tiles, worn out and aged, Add old charm, as if history's been engaged. Captivating and unique, this sanctuary stands, A blend of cultures, where elegance expands.
Asnières - 40m² en souplex
Asnières - 40m² en souplex
NEVA Architecture Intérieure - Interior DesignNEVA Architecture Intérieure - Interior Design
Des niches-étagères ont été creusées dans les murs de la douche, atypiques avec leur forme en triangle !
パリにある高級な小さなコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれなバスルーム (浴槽なし) (インセット扉のキャビネット、濃色木目調キャビネット、バリアフリー、壁掛け式トイレ、グレーのタイル、ライムストーンタイル、白い壁、濃色無垢フローリング、コンソール型シンク、コンクリートの洗面台、茶色い床、オープンシャワー、グレーの洗面カウンター、ニッチ、洗面台1つ) の写真
Magnolia Residence
Magnolia Residence
serra|wersinger architectsserra|wersinger architects
remodeled bathroom with dark tile and cedar paneling
シアトルにあるミッドセンチュリースタイルのおしゃれな浴室 (茶色いキャビネット、一体型トイレ 、グレーのタイル、ライムストーンタイル、磁器タイルの床、一体型シンク、コンクリートの洗面台、開き戸のシャワー、グレーの洗面カウンター、シャワーベンチ、洗面台1つ、板張り壁) の写真
1403 Octavius
1403 Octavius
deSigneR - Architects and Interior DesignersdeSigneR - Architects and Interior Designers
The lime-plastered walls exude vintage allure, Transforming the bathroom to rustic Moroccan pure. Raw and natural, its beauty is sublime, With wooden vanity and cane shutters, playful in time. Rustic copper tiles, worn out and aged, Add old charm, as if history's been engaged. Captivating and unique, this sanctuary stands, A blend of cultures, where elegance expands.
1403 Octavius
1403 Octavius
deSigneR - Architects and Interior DesignersdeSigneR - Architects and Interior Designers
The lime-plastered walls exude vintage allure, Transforming the bathroom to rustic Moroccan pure. Raw and natural, its beauty is sublime, With wooden vanity and cane shutters, playful in time. Rustic copper tiles, worn out and aged, Add old charm, as if history's been engaged. Captivating and unique, this sanctuary stands, A blend of cultures, where elegance expands.
Magnolia Residence
Magnolia Residence
serra|wersinger architectsserra|wersinger architects
remodeled bathroom with dark tile and cedar paneling
シアトルにあるミッドセンチュリースタイルのおしゃれな浴室 (茶色いキャビネット、一体型トイレ 、グレーのタイル、ライムストーンタイル、磁器タイルの床、一体型シンク、コンクリートの洗面台、開き戸のシャワー、グレーの洗面カウンター、シャワーベンチ、洗面台1つ、板張り壁) の写真
1403 Octavius
1403 Octavius
deSigneR - Architects and Interior DesignersdeSigneR - Architects and Interior Designers
The lime-plastered walls exude vintage allure, Transforming the bathroom to rustic Moroccan pure. Raw and natural, its beauty is sublime, With wooden vanity and cane shutters, playful in time. Rustic copper tiles, worn out and aged, Add old charm, as if history's been engaged. Captivating and unique, this sanctuary stands, A blend of cultures, where elegance expands.
1403 Octavius
1403 Octavius
deSigneR - Architects and Interior DesignersdeSigneR - Architects and Interior Designers
The lime-plastered walls exude vintage allure, Transforming the bathroom to rustic Moroccan pure. Raw and natural, its beauty is sublime, With wooden vanity and cane shutters, playful in time. Rustic copper tiles, worn out and aged, Add old charm, as if history's been engaged. Captivating and unique, this sanctuary stands, A blend of cultures, where elegance expands.

浴室・バスルーム (コンクリートの洗面台、タイルの洗面台、ライムストーンタイル、洗面台1つ) の写真