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フィラデルフィアにあるラスティックスタイルのおしゃれなテラス・中庭 (日よけなし) の写真
平均評価:5つ星中 星3.830件のレビュープロフィールを表示

Semma Wall

A 6″ x 16″ double-sided segmental retaining wall, with tapered sides and an independent mechanical interlock allowing for a vertical or battered wall. Semma also has tremendous shear strength (block to block contact), void fill interlock (4 cored system with contractor gravel-filled cores), and a ½” bond for joint dispersion. Semma wall, with an integrated corner on every layer, makes a great solution to the raised patio quandary: building a structural wall and topping it with a parapet (free-standing wall). Use the Semma pillars to finish or add drama or light features to your wall.


Houzz ユーザーのコメント
Susie CさんがアイテムをRetaining Wallsに追加しました 2024年1月8日
