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ミネアポリスにあるトラディショナルスタイルのおしゃれなホームバー (L型、アンダーカウンターシンク、レイズドパネル扉のキャビネット、青いキャビネット、御影石カウンター、白いキッチンパネル、石タイルのキッチンパネル) の写真
mackmiller design+build
mackmiller design+build
平均評価:5つ星中 星566件のレビュープロフィールを表示

Evergreen Road Residence Kitchen 9

Liquor cabinet in bar features custom sized compartments that fit client’s liquor bottles for storage in the rollout shelf. Wine refrigerator and icemaker located in bar area. The husband had one request: to make room for his whimsical picture in the redesign. By building a picture frame over the bar sink we incorporated the owner’s picture as part of the cabinetry complete with a hidden picture light behind the crown molding to illuminate it. The raised panel, French blue cabinets are finished with a dark brown glazing. These are full overlay doors and drawers, constructed with high precision to maintain a 1/8” gap between every side of a door and drawer. PHOTO CREDIT: John Ray

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rashortさんがアイテムをkitchensに追加しました 2024年1月4日

Liquor storage