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シカゴにある広い、夏のカントリー風のおしゃれな裏庭 (庭への小道、日向) の写真
Mariani Landscape
Mariani Landscape
平均評価:5つ星中 星4.85件のレビュープロフィールを表示

An Evolution for Land and Family

This project represents the evolution of a 10 acre space over more than three decades. It began with the pool and space around it. As the vegetable garden grew, the orchard was established and the display gardens blossomed. The prairie was restored and a kitchen was added to complete the space. Although, it continues to change with a pond next on the design plan. Photo credit: Linda Oyama Bryan


Houzz ユーザーのコメント
Angeline SawickiさんがアイテムをPoolに追加しました 2024年8月19日
