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ポートランド(メイン)にあるトラディショナルスタイルのおしゃれなキッチン (レイズドパネル扉のキャビネット、ベージュのキャビネット、グレーのキッチンパネル) の写真
Maine Coast Homes
Maine Coast Homes
平均評価:5つ星中 星4.882件のレビュープロフィールを表示

Church to a Single Family Home

Inspired by the lofty and elevated design of the former church that this home now inhabits, this sprawling kitchen is striking and lavish. Carefully constructed--from copper sink fixtures to weathered wood cabinetry to recycled glass countertops. Divine influence maintained in curved window frames, pews at dining table, and choir loft. Each detail is unique and elegant in its own right, and all elements are brought together to create a one of a kind beauty.

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Barbara GriffinさんがアイテムをKitchenに追加しました 2023年7月28日

Love the granite