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シカゴにあるトラディショナルスタイルのおしゃれな庭 (ファイヤーピット) の写真
Rocco Fiore & Sons, Inc
Rocco Fiore & Sons, Inc
平均評価:5つ星中 星31件のレビュープロフィールを表示

Lake Forest Estate

©Linda Oyama Bryan The turf “climate” in the yard ranges from heavy shade to full sun with varying fertilization needs. A significant grade change creates a challenge when determining proper irrigation. Throughout the estate, all fungicide and preventive applications are made on an “as needed” basis. Finally, the bluestone turf joints surrounding the fire pit are hand-trimmed weekly.

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Bart SpezialiさんがアイテムをOutdoorに追加しました 2023年2月28日

Pavers grass