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メルボルンにある高級な小さな、夏のコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれな庭 (ゼリスケープ、半日向、デッキ材舗装、ウッドフェンス) の写真

Felicia aren't you faaabulous?!

The challenges in this project was to work with the existing 3m level difference in the front yard and keep the existing treelines already in place, with a heavy emphasis on preserving the large gleditsia tree which was protected by local regulations. We designed in an outdoor seating area where the clients can relax in whilst watching the children play. This is further complimented by a grassed area where they can picnic and rest under their beloved gleditsia. Whilst it is a largely cottage garden, this was balanced with introducing some low maintenance evergreen plants. The clients loved edibles so the plant palette also built in some edible groundcovers, shrubs and dwarf fruit trees. The flora selected compliments the existing blue and white cottage weatherboard build elements and colours. The design also squeezed in extra parking and driveway space! When I designed this project I immediately thought of playing with curves which is a design element I love playing with. I love the way the new levels came together along with the retained garden beds and grassed area. I used soft pastels (yellows, pinks) to compliment the blues and purples in the planting palette and love the client's choice of the curved steel arbour and subtle glass detail. One cheeky aspect of the project was surreptitiously building in a plant, felicia, as a soft reference to the little master in the house! As usual I used a heavy contrast with some of the materials chosen to set off the plants nicely whilst also celebrating each material selected.