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サリーにあるカントリー風のおしゃれな玄関ホール (テラコッタタイルの床、茶色い床) の写真
Studio Cord Ltd
Studio Cord Ltd
平均評価:5つ星中 星51件のレビュープロフィールを表示

Family Home, Shamley Green, Surrey

Located in Surrey Hills, this Grade II Listed cottage design was inspired by its heritage, special architectural and historic interest. Our perception was to surround this place with honest and solid materials, soft and natural fabrics, handmade items and family treasures to bring the values and needs of this family at the center of their home. We paid attention to what really matters and brought them together in a slower way of living. By separating the silent parts of this house from the vibrant ones, we gave individuality; this created different levels for use. We left open space to give room to life, change and creativity. We left things visible to touch those that matter. We gave a narrative sense of life.