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チャールストンにあるお手頃価格のビーチスタイルのおしゃれなアイランドキッチン (再生ガラスカウンター) の写真
GlassEco Surfaces by Fisher Recycling
GlassEco Surfaces by Fisher Recycling
平均評価:5つ星中 星4.815件のレビュープロフィールを表示

Johns Island Kitchen Island

Manufacturer of custom recycled glass counter tops and landscape glass aggregate. The countertops are individually handcrafted and customized, using 100% recycled glass and diverting tons of glass from our landfills. The epoxy used is Low VOC (volatile organic compounds) and emits no off gassing. The newest product base is a high density, UV protected concrete. We now have indoor and outdoor options. As with the resin, the concrete offer the same creative aspects through glass choices.