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ポートランドにある高級な中くらいなインダストリアルスタイルのおしゃれなリビングロフト (ベージュの壁、テレビなし、暖炉なし) の写真
Angela Todd Studios | Portland, OR
Angela Todd Studios | Portland, OR
平均評価:5つ星中 星4.845件のレビュープロフィールを表示

Sellwood Writer's Loft

When Portland-based writer Donald Miller was looking to make improvements to his Sellwood loft, he asked a friend for a referral. He and Angela were like old buddies almost immediately. “Don naturally has good design taste and knows what he likes when he sees it. He is true to an earthy color palette; he likes Craftsman lines, cozy spaces, and gravitates to things that give him inspiration, memories and nostalgia. We made key changes that personalized his loft and surrounded him in pieces that told the story of his life, travels and aspirations,” Angela recalled. Like all writers, Don is an avid book reader, and we helped him display his books in a way that they were accessible and meaningful – building a custom bookshelf in the living room. Don is also a world traveler, and had many mementos from journeys. Although, it was necessary to add accessory pieces to his home, we were very careful in our selection process. We wanted items that carried a story, and didn’t appear that they were mass produced in the home décor market. For example, we found a 1930’s typewriter in Portland’s Alameda District to serve as a focal point for Don’s coffee table – a piece that will no doubt launch many interesting conversations. We LOVE and recommend Don’s books. For more information visit www.donmilleris.com For more about Angela Todd Studios, click here: https://www.angelatoddstudios.com/

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