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ローリーにあるコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれなダイニング (グレーの壁、淡色無垢フローリング) の写真
Heather Garrett Design
Heather Garrett Design
平均評価:5つ星中 星57件のレビュープロフィールを表示

Remodeling Luxe

How to help a young couple who loved the location and bones of a traditional home, but wanted a decisive shift in its decor and vibe to modern luxe? Begin by pulling down the 2-story walls of oak paneling, heavy fireplace mantle, and scraping out the dimly lit kitchen. Opening the kitchen into the family room and reworking the architecture of the space was the solution to creating the fresh feeling we were after. Photos by John Bessler

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Meg Majorさんがアイテムをvictorianewmom's ideasに追加しました 2023年8月2日

Vases in centrepiece