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シカゴにあるコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれな裏庭のデッキ (コンテナガーデン) の写真
Reveal Design LLC
Reveal Design LLC
平均評価:5つ星中 星4.822件のレビュープロフィールを表示

Andersonville Flexible Deck and Garage Space

The back deck and garage was designed to accommodate an active families needs. Dining and grilling space close to the house for every day use, and an open rooftop space with plenty or serving and flexible space for the families ever changing needs. The deck was made with IPE decking, and the clients are going to let it grey out rather than try to oil it yearly. The grey color will contrast perfectly with the polished stainless steel cable railings. The pergola has two areas with permanent shade panels. One area is completely covered with aluminum roofing to keep the young area dry, while the other side has loved shade panels made out of cedar to let light and air through, while also blocking the to afternoon sun. The planters are position to bock unwanted views and also to define exterior rooms.


Houzz ユーザーのコメント
businesswomen440さんがアイテムをGARAGE ROOF DECKに追加しました 2023年6月4日

Glass panels and pergola