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ニューヨークにあるビーチスタイルのおしゃれな寝室 (白い壁、暖炉なし) のインテリア
Rosenberg Kolb Architects
Rosenberg Kolb Architects
平均評価:5つ星中 星51件のレビュープロフィールを表示

67 Union

Rosenberg Kolb Architects is proud to announce our renovation of a 1747 timber frame house on Nantucket Island, completed in 2011. The first historic renovation project in Nantucket to receive LEED Gold status. The project was given a Grand Award by Eco Home Magazine in July, 2011. The project included: Restructuring the foundations to align and stabilize the structure in addition to providing for a new insulated crawl space; A 260 square foot addition for a kitchen, bath, and new entry; New cedar shingles, roof shingles, and restored historic windows; The house met the strict regulations of Nantucket's Historic District. On the inside, LEED Gold certification was met through: High R-value insulation and reduced air leakage; High efficiency heating, air conditioning, plumbing fixtures, and appliances; Low-emission paints and finishes as well as a clay wall finish; Using reclaimed materials from the original house and other sites. The project has been published in: N Magazine July 2011 Eco Home Magazine July 2011 New England Home June 2011


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Susie Kirkland EmbryさんがアイテムをSusan's ideasに追加しました 2019年12月16日

Crows foot beams