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Closet Factory
Closet Factory
平均評価:5つ星中 星4.8261件のレビュープロフィールを表示

Master Bathroom & Closet Combination

"When I first visited the client's house, and before seeing the space, I sat down with my clients to understand their needs. They told me they were getting ready to remodel their bathroom and master closet, and they wanted to get some ideas on how to make their closet better. The told me they wanted to figure out the closet before they did anything, so they presented their ideas to me, which included building walls in the space to create a larger master closet. I couldn't visual what they were explaining, so we went to the space. As soon as I got in the space, it was clear to me that we didn't need to build walls, we just needed to have the current closets torn out and replaced with wardrobes, create some shelving space for shoes and build an island with drawers in a bench. When I proposed that solution, they both looked at me with big smiles on their faces and said, 'That is the best idea we've heard, let's do it', then they asked me if I could design the vanity as well. "I used 3/4" Melamine, Italian walnut, and Donatello thermofoil. The client provided their own countertops." - Leslie Klinck, Designer


Houzz ユーザーのコメント
Brandi WhiteさんがアイテムをMaster Bathに追加しました 2022年1月15日

Closet bathroom combo