写真 1〜20 枚目(全 1,333 枚)

Very private backyard enclave waterfall
ワシントンD.C.にある夏のコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれな庭 (半日向、天然石敷き) の写真
ワシントンD.C.にある夏のコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれな庭 (半日向、天然石敷き) の写真

With an existing pool and retaining walls, we took this space and made it more modern offering many various spaces for lounging, enjoying the fire, listening to the water feature and an upper synthetic turf area for playing games. It is complete with bluestone pavers, a modern water feature and reflecting pool, a raised ipe deck, synthetic turf, glass railings, a modern, gas fire bowl and a stunning cedar privacy wall!

Massive addition and renovation adding a pond, waterfall, bridges, a chapel, boulder work, gardens and 5,000 SF log/stone addition to an existing home. The addition has a large theater, wine room, bar, new master suite, huge great room with lodge-size fireplace, sitting room and outdoor covered/heated patio with outdoor kitchen.
Photo by Kimberly Gavin.

Garden pond and waterfall with wooden bridge in Connecticut. Matthew Giampietro of Waterfalls, Fountains & Gardens Inc. designed and installed the landscape and garden pond

A lovely courtyard garden designed by Ian Morrison and the Graduate Gardeners team. This lovely courtyard has a beautiful Greek Urn water feature at its heart, surrounded by lovely stone walling and exquisite planting.

Waterfall creation by Cape Fear Water Gardens part of the 2019 Azalea Garden Festival Ribbon Cutting ceremony in Wilmington, NC
ウィルミントンにあるおしゃれな庭 (川石舗装) の写真
ウィルミントンにあるおしゃれな庭 (川石舗装) の写真

„Danke für den wunderschön gestalteten Garten; für Eure Planung, Mühe, Hingabe und Herzenswärme die unser Stück Natur jetzt umgibt.“
Die Gartenumgestaltung mit dem beleuchteten Wasserfall, Sichtschutz, Feuerplatz, AVA-Schale und Gemüse-Hochbeeten ist ein sehr schönes Beispiel dafür wie sich ästhetische Elemente mit funktionalen Gartenanforderungen kombinieren lassen.
Schaffen auch Sie sich ihren ganz individuellen Ruheort,
geben Sie Ihrer Seele Nahrung,
in einem Garten von Werner Frick.
Lassen Sie sich inspirieren auf www.frick-winhoering.de
Fotograf: Stephan Frick

Multi-level waterfall and pond with boulders

A copper-clad wall is the backdrop for the outdoor shower, set in a jungle of tropical plants. Robert Benson Photography.
ニューヨークにあるラグジュアリーな中くらいな、夏のカントリー風のおしゃれな庭 (ゼリスケープ、天然石敷き、半日向) の写真
ニューヨークにあるラグジュアリーな中くらいな、夏のカントリー風のおしゃれな庭 (ゼリスケープ、天然石敷き、半日向) の写真

With an existing pool and retaining walls, we took this space and made it more modern offering many various spaces for lounging, enjoying the fire, listening to the water feature and an upper synthetic turf area for playing games. It is complete with bluestone pavers, a modern water feature and reflecting pool, a raised ipe deck, synthetic turf, glass railings, a modern, gas fire bowl and a stunning cedar privacy wall!

minimalist concrete water feature, concrete wall, lush planting
シアトルにある高級な中くらいなモダンスタイルのおしゃれな庭 (日向、コンクリート敷き ) の写真
シアトルにある高級な中くらいなモダンスタイルのおしゃれな庭 (日向、コンクリート敷き ) の写真