写真 1〜20 枚目(全 573 枚)

The terraced succulent garden is lined with corten steel and enclosed by gabion cage walls.
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Garage Work Station, Storage and Lounge

The front has a new carport flanked by a formal entry on the right and a service entry on the left. The new structure is composed of 6x6 cedar columns and beams with exposed 2x6 cedar rafters.
PHOTO: Ignacio Salas-Humara

This Redwood greenhouse is situated in the picturesque woods of Bucks County Pa. This Greenhouse was purchased as a kit which came un-assembled and unfinished. As we dug the footings for the brick base we found a large rock that fit perfectly for the step out of the greenhouse. All parts were finished prior to assembly. It took about 2 days to assemble the frame and install the glass, afterwards another coat of finish was applied. The green house comes complete with an automatic vent panel.

You'll be floored by how much space you can save when you organize your garage with elfa®! This space features Ventilated Shelves and Shelf Baskets to round up everything from sporting equipment and camping gear to paint cans and garden hoses. Smooth-gliding drawers organize smaller items while elfa utility Hooks and Holders get hard-to-store items up off the floor. elfa utility Boards combined with our Shelf, Boxes and Hooks create an organized space for hand tools and hardware. And like all elfa spaces, it's completely adjustable!