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ダイニング (全タイプの天井の仕上げ、金属の暖炉まわり) の写真

Great Room And Dining Room
Great Room And Dining Room
Germania ConstructionGermania Construction
There's space in this great room for every gathering, and the cozy fireplace and floor-the-ceiling windows create a welcoming environment.
ソルトレイクシティにあるラグジュアリーな巨大なコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれなLDK (グレーの壁、無垢フローリング、両方向型暖炉、金属の暖炉まわり、板張り天井) の写真
St. Andrews Napa CA Rebuild
St. Andrews Napa CA Rebuild
Jane EllisonJane Ellison
This home in Napa off Silverado was rebuilt after burning down in the 2017 fires. Architect David Rulon, a former associate of Howard Backen, known for this Napa Valley industrial modern farmhouse style. Composed in mostly a neutral palette, the bones of this house are bathed in diffused natural light pouring in through the clerestory windows. Beautiful textures and the layering of pattern with a mix of materials add drama to a neutral backdrop. The homeowners are pleased with their open floor plan and fluid seating areas, which allow them to entertain large gatherings. The result is an engaging space, a personal sanctuary and a true reflection of it's owners' unique aesthetic. Inspirational features are metal fireplace surround and book cases as well as Beverage Bar shelving done by Wyatt Studio, painted inset style cabinets by Gamma, moroccan CLE tile backsplash and quartzite countertops.
Esszimmer mit Sitzbank
Esszimmer mit Sitzbank
REFUGIUM - Interior DesignREFUGIUM - Interior Design
デュッセルドルフにある高級な広い北欧スタイルのおしゃれなダイニング (グレーの壁、竹フローリング、吊り下げ式暖炉、金属の暖炉まわり、茶色い床、クロスの天井、壁紙) の写真
Modern Ski Home
Modern Ski Home
Locati ArchitectsLocati Architects
他の地域にあるラスティックスタイルのおしゃれなLDK (白い壁、無垢フローリング、標準型暖炉、金属の暖炉まわり、板張り天井) の写真
Lauren Smyth Residence
Lauren Smyth Residence
Lauren Smyth designs over 80 spec homes a year for Alturas Homes! Last year, the time came to design a home for herself. Having trusted Kentwood for many years in Alturas Homes builder communities, Lauren knew that Brushed Oak Whisker from the Plateau Collection was the floor for her! She calls the look of her home ‘Ski Mod Minimalist’. Clean lines and a modern aesthetic characterizes Lauren's design style, while channeling the wild of the mountains and the rivers surrounding her hometown of Boise.
Holz. Stein. Haus.
Holz. Stein. Haus.
他の地域にあるラグジュアリーな巨大なコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれなLDK (白い壁、淡色無垢フローリング、両方向型暖炉、金属の暖炉まわり、ベージュの床、板張り天井) の写真
Беседка–барбекю в п. «Заокские просторы»
Беседка–барбекю в п. «Заокские просторы»
Лариса СавельеваЛариса Савельева
Беседка–барбекю 60 м2. Беседка барбекю проектировалась на имеющемся бетонном прямоугольном основании. Желанием заказчика было наличие массивного очага и разделочных поверхностей для максимально комфортной готовки, обеденного стола на 12 человек и мест для хранения посуды и инвентаря. Все элементы интерьера беседки выполнены по индивидуальному проекту. Особенно эффектна кухня, выполненная из чугуна с отделкой термодеревом. Мангал, размером 1.2*0.6 м , также индивидуален не только по дизайну, но и по функциям ( подъёмная чаша с углем, система поддува и пр.). Мебель и стол выполнены из термолиственницы. На полу плитка из натурального сланца. Позднее было принято решение закрыть внешние стены беседки прозрачными подъёмными панелями, что позволяет использовать её в любую погоду. Благодаря применению природных материалов, беседка очень органично вписалась в окружающий пейзаж.
Best of Sandal Oak | Ventura Collection
Best of Sandal Oak | Ventura Collection
Hallmark FloorsHallmark Floors
Sandal Oak Hardwood – The Ventura Hardwood Flooring Collection is designed to look gently aged and weathered, while still being durable and stain resistant.
Valley View Home
Valley View Home
Jordan Iverson Signature HomesJordan Iverson Signature Homes
Bar height dining table with a nearby bar cart for entertaining. Graphic prints and accent walls add dimensions and pops of color to the room.
他の地域にある高級な中くらいなトランジショナルスタイルのおしゃれなLDK (黒い壁、無垢フローリング、吊り下げ式暖炉、金属の暖炉まわり、茶色い床、三角天井) の写真
Deer Valley
Deer Valley
Laura Bezemer DesignLaura Bezemer Design
Modern, open concept, 7000 sq. ft. remodel with stunning mountain views.
ソルトレイクシティにあるラグジュアリーな巨大なモダンスタイルのおしゃれなダイニングキッチン (白い壁、淡色無垢フローリング、コーナー設置型暖炉、金属の暖炉まわり、ベージュの床、表し梁、壁紙) の写真
H2D Architecture + DesignH2D Architecture + Design
シアトルにある中くらいなモダンスタイルのおしゃれなLDK (白い壁、コンクリートの床、両方向型暖炉、金属の暖炉まわり、グレーの床、表し梁、板張り壁) の写真
Komplettumbau und Einrichtung eines Bauernhauses
Komplettumbau und Einrichtung eines Bauernhauses
id die raumideeid die raumidee
ベルリンにある高級な中くらいなコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれなダイニング (白い壁、淡色無垢フローリング、薪ストーブ、金属の暖炉まわり、白い床、折り上げ天井) の写真
D Residence Custom Home
D Residence Custom Home
Via Builders, Inc.Via Builders, Inc.
サンフランシスコにあるコンテンポラリースタイルのおしゃれなLDK (コンクリートの床、両方向型暖炉、金属の暖炉まわり、白い壁、グレーの床、板張り天井) の写真
Copper Harbor
Copper Harbor
Prentiss Balance Wickline ArchitectsPrentiss Balance Wickline Architects
Copper Harbor is low maintenance in its material palette of mostly steel, glass, and veneer plywood. Photography by Kes Efstathiou
シアトルにあるラスティックスタイルのおしゃれなLDK (コンクリートの床、薪ストーブ、金属の暖炉まわり、板張り天井、板張り壁) の写真
Heckfield Place
Heckfield Place
Spratley & PartnersSpratley & Partners
Once home to antiquarian Horace Walpole, ‘Heckfield Place’ has been judiciously re-crafted into an ‘effortlessly stylish' countryside hotel with beautiful bedrooms, as well as two restaurants, a private cinema, Little Bothy spa, wine cellar, gardens and Home Farm, centred on sustainability and biodynamic farming principles. Spratley & Partners completed the dramatic transformation of the 430-acre site in Hampshire into the UK’s most eagerly anticipated, luxury hotel in 2018, after a significant programme of restoration works which began in 2009 for private investment company, Morningside Group. Later, modern additions to the site, which was being used as a conference centre and wedding venue, were largely unsympathetic and not in-keeping with the original form and layout; the house was extended in the 1980s with a block of bedrooms and conference facilities which were small, basic and required substantial upgrading. The rooms in the listed building had also been subdivided, creating cramped spaces and disrupting the historical plan of the house. After years of careful restoration and collaboration, this elegant, Grade II listed Georgian house and estate has been brought back to life and sensitively woven into its secluded landscape surroundings.
Modern Home - Ann Arbor, MI
Modern Home - Ann Arbor, MI
Renaissance Building, Inc.Renaissance Building, Inc.
デトロイトにある中くらいなモダンスタイルのおしゃれなダイニングキッチン (白い壁、無垢フローリング、横長型暖炉、金属の暖炉まわり、茶色い床、三角天井) の写真
Seward Park Industrial
Seward Park Industrial
H2D Architecture + DesignH2D Architecture + Design
Experience the harmonious blend of raw industrial elements and inviting warmth in this captivating industrial kitchen and dining area. From the sturdy concrete floors to the rugged charm of exposed metal beams, the wood-clad ceiling, and the expansive double-height space, every component contributes to the authentic industrial ambiance. Yet, amidst the industrial allure, the soothing wood tones and carefully curated lighting infuse a sense of comfort and coziness, completing this striking fusion of rugged and inviting aesthetics. Architecture and Design by: H2D Architecture + Design www.h2darchitects.com Built by: Carlisle Classic Homes Interior Design by: Karlee Coble Interiors Photos by: Christopher Nelson Photography
Organic 567 Collection | Chai Oak | Spokane, WA
Organic 567 Collection | Chai Oak | Spokane, WA
Hallmark FloorsHallmark Floors
Chai Oak, Organic 567 Collection Architecture: Hanson Carlen
他の地域にあるラグジュアリーな広いモダンスタイルのおしゃれなダイニングキッチン (ベージュの壁、無垢フローリング、金属の暖炉まわり、マルチカラーの床、三角天井、パネル壁、標準型暖炉) の写真
Ross Peak Residence
Ross Peak Residence
Brandner DesignBrandner Design
The Ross Peak Great Room Guillotine Fireplace is the perfect focal point for this contemporary room. The guillotine fireplace door consists of a custom formed brass mesh door, providing a geometric element when the door is closed. The fireplace surround is Natural Etched Steel, with a complimenting brass mantle. Shown with custom niche for Fireplace Tools.

ダイニング (全タイプの天井の仕上げ、金属の暖炉まわり) の写真