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Tama L

All stainless steel Tama rain chain is now available in size L. With its soft round form still intact, it is capable of processing much larger amount of rainwater in comparison to the conventional size. It is able to drain as much as 5 times the amount processed by the regular size Tama rain chain. By giving a design with curvature to stainless steel that is silver and often having rigid impression, it can now be applied to a variety of building types without any feeling of misplacement. It adorns hairline finish, dimming the surface glare but at the same time heightening the superior feel. The ceramic coating prevents Tama from being dirty from the rainwater. The lines that link rain chains and internal portion where it organizes rainwater is all made of stainless steel as well. Because of the ceramic coating, it will not collect dirt easily so you can clean it just by simply wiping it down.


Houzzコントリビューター (寄稿者) のコメント:
舩村 佳織|エノコロ庭園設計室さんがアイテムを災害に強い庭づくりとは?に追加しました 2020年3月16日


Houzz ユーザーのコメント
HouzzUser-248621015さんがアイテムをwebuser_248621015さんのアイデアブックに追加しました 2021年5月1日

雨水浸透マスの設置 近年、短時間の激しい雨が増えています。一度に大量の水が下水道や側溝に流れ込むと、排水が追い付かずに氾濫してしまい、これを内水氾濫といいます。国内の浸水被害棟数の70%が内水氾濫によるものです。 ...