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What's the width of the sofa? Is it a pullout bed? Is it bright white?

The description says it's 23" wide. It looks much wider than that. Also, the description says it's a bed but doesn't explain if it converts to a bed. Also, is the color bright white or off-white?
Sofa, White PU, 23" · 詳細

コメント (3)

  • PRO
    Julianne Stirling

    has anyone answered this question? The dimensions do not match the picture.

  • Houzz Shop

    Hello, thank you for contacting Houzz. This is a sofa only, not a sofa bed. We will update the product description shortly. This is not a bright white. I hope this information is helpful to you!

  • Houzz Shop

    Hi there, the correct dimensions are 79 inches wide, 33 inches deep and 35 inches high. We'll be sure to update the product specifications shortly. I apologize for any confusion.