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Kitchen/living Room ideas

I am moving into a new apartment in March and I am currently trying to think of ideas for my living room/kitchen. Main things are whether I should go for a dark or light sofa, what sort of style would suit the kitchen and if I should get two sofas or one long one and maybe a quirky armchair?

Appreciate any feedback

コメント (5)

  • Michael Allen
    Other side of living room
  • jacksplash
    Will there be a tv going in this room?if so where will it be placed,as this may decide your seating arrangement.
  • Michael Allen
    Yes I'll be putting a tv on the left hand side wall.
  • jacksplash
    I think one large sofa would work well in your space.
    I've added a few pictures just to show how well one large sofa can work.
    A good tip before you buy your sofa would be to make a templet with paper to check how big or small it needs to be. Good luck!
  • PRO

    I would go for a splash of colour as the rest of the colour scheme looks a bit pale. Maybe deep red sofa with nice colourfull cushions to make a space more cheerful. Lovely big rug to match all the colours in the room, dark red, white, black, grey. Some nice lighting preferably crystal chandelier to add sophistication to a room and some art work on the walls.